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The Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "The Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Scientific Method

2 Statement of Problem This is the question your experiment will answer.
Example: Which paper towel is stronger, Bounty or Kroger?

3 Hypothesis This is a sentence that tells what you predict the results will be. It is OK if your hypothesis is wrong! Example: Bounty will be a stronger paper towel than Kroger brand.

4 Procedure This is the step-by-step directions of how you conducted your test. Example: First we gathered two types of paper towel, Bounty and Kroger brand. 2. We placed each piece of paper towel over a cup and secured it with a rubber band.

5 Data This is a graph, table or chart that shows what happened in your experiment. Examples:

6 Conclusion This is the paragraph in which you explain what happened in the experiment. 1st sentence-Tell if your hypothesis was right or wrong. 2nd-5th sentence-Explain your data with words. Last sentence-Tell what you proved

7 Variable This is the ONE thing that you will change from one test to the next. Every other part of your procedure must stay exactly the same. Example: The variable in my experiment is the brand of paper towel.

8 Conclusion Example My hypothesis was correct: Bounty was a stronger paper towel than the Kroger brand. Bounty held 50 ml of water. Kroger brand only held 37 ml of water. We proved that Bounty is a stronger paper towel than the Kroger brand.

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