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Presentation on theme: "REVOLUTION BRINGS REFORM & TERROR"— Presentation transcript:

A Timeline

2 Aug. 1789 National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man

3 1. What are some rights this document guarantees French Citizens?
Liberty Property Security Equal Justice Free Speech Free Religion

4 1790 National Assembly reforms status of Church
What caused the peasants to oppose many of these reforms? Many were Catholic & resented efforts to make the church part of the State

5 Sept. 1791 National Assembly hands power to Legislative Body
3. What political factions made up the Legislative Assembly? Radicals Conservatives Moderates

6 April 1792 Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria
4. What did European monarchs fear from France? Revolutions would spread throughout Europe

7 Sept. 1792 Parisian mobs massacre more than 1000 prisoners
5. What effects did the September Massacres have on the Gov’t? Gave up on Limited Monarchies Called for an Election to replace itself

8 Jan. 1793 King Louis XVI executed


10 July 1793 Robespierre leads Committee of Public Safety; Reign of Terror begins

11 6. What was the stated aim of Robespierre and his supporters?
To build a “Republic of Virtue” He justifies the use of violence & Terror as necessary when fighting to maintain democracy.

12 1794 Robespierre executed

13 7. What were some consequences of the Reign of Terror?
Many shifted from “Radical left” to “Conservative right”

14 émigrés Members of the French 1st and 2nd estate who had fled to other European nations and spread stories of the Great Fear. Result is the strangling of Enlightenment thought in other European Countries

15 Sans-Culotte “Without (Knee) breeches”
Working class men & women who pushed the revolution in more radical, violent ways

16 Jacobins Political club in support of the sans-culotte
Published newspapers & pamphlets backing the republican revolutionary cause


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