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The French Revolution Transition from Absolute Monarchy to Republic Marks the Death of Feudalism Enlightenment Ideas In Action Sent Shock Waves Around.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution Transition from Absolute Monarchy to Republic Marks the Death of Feudalism Enlightenment Ideas In Action Sent Shock Waves Around."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution Transition from Absolute Monarchy to Republic Marks the Death of Feudalism Enlightenment Ideas In Action Sent Shock Waves Around the World Transformed Europe as well as France

2 Ancien Régime 1700’s France was seen as the most advanced country in Europe Had a large population & prosperous foreign trade Social & political system in place was the Old Regime Characterized by Absolute Monarchy & lingering Feudalism

3 To Recap: Both Feudalism & Absolute Monarchy Feudalism: system of reciprocal relationships between Kings & nobles 1780s in France: Feudal countryside Absolute Monarchy: Centralized Authority Stranglehold on the Nobility Very Costly!!!

4 Social Classes of the Ancien Régime

5 1 st Estate: Clergy

6 2 nd Estate: Nobility

7 Third Estate

8 Causes of the Revolution 1. The 3 rd Estate is increasingly resentful 2. The Enlightenment ideas of individual freedom & equality spread through France 3. Economic Troubles Previous debt from Louis XIV still not paid off Heavy taxes made it impossible to make a profit Crop failures 4. Louis XVI (16 th) is a weak leader

9 Louis XVI

10 Estates-General Meeting May 1789

11 Tennis Court Oath

12 Storming the Bastille

13 The Great Fear July 1789

14 Women March on Versailles

15 The Old Regime is Dead August 4th, 1789: National Assembly declares the end of Feudalism: “The National Assembly abolishes the feudal system entirely… any kind of tithes and fees… are abolished… Financial, personal, or real privileges are abolished forever…” Civil Constitution of the Clergy Church officials become state employees Sell Church land Splits the 3rd Estate & Church: bourgeoisie vs. peasant

16 Declaration of Rights of Man 27 August 1789 Full of Enlightenment Ideas!!! Guarantees many basic rights: Property, liberty, security, speech, religion Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité!!! Caveat: these rights did not apply to women Olympe de Gouges published a Declaration of the Rights of Women her ideas were rejected Seen as an enemy of the Revolution

17 Out with the Old, In with the New OLD & gone: Feudalism Slavery Nobles’ titles Independent Church Absolute Monarchy NEW: Jews given citizenship Loyalty Oath Divorce legalized Trade unions & guilds banned Constitution Currency: assignat 1st Republic

18 La Nuit de Varennes

19 Constitutional Monarchy 1 October 1791 a new Constitution approved by Louis XVI 1791 Constitution establishes Constitutional Monarchy Legislative Assembly

20 Political Spectrum Participants in French Revolution Moderate (Liberal) Radical Conservative  Some change Girondins Mountain oppose monarchy want sweeping changes Jacobins Sans culottes limited monarchy a few changes Many peasants nobility

21 France at War 1792 - Legislative Assembly declares war on Austria Mob invades the Tuileries Palace kills guards & imprisons the Royal Family September Massacres: Fear Monarchists take over Raid prisons & murder over 1000 royalists

22 The Sansculottes Parisian workers & small shopkeepers They want the Revolution to bring even greater changes Sans-culottes ally with Radicals in the Legislative Assembly

23 Jacobins

24 The End of the Monarchy

25 First French Republic: A Republic of Virtue

26 The Reign of Terror

27 Death of Marat

28 Execution of Robespierre

29 After the Terror National Convention drafts another constitution Creates Directory: bicameral legislature & executive moderates, not revolutionaries Corrupt

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