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Main Idea The detonation of the Atomic Bomb and the end

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1 Origins of The Cold War 1946-1960
Main Idea The detonation of the Atomic Bomb and the end of WWII led to disagreement among the “Big Three” wartime Allies and a shift in American attitudes toward the Soviet Union

2 1. Clash of Interests Josef Stalin Soviets
Protect from future invasions Protect Communism Capitalist nation would try and destroy Josef Stalin

3 1. Clash of Interests America Promote economic trade Protect Democracy

4 Security Economic

5 2. The Yalta Conference Plan the Postwar world CHURCHILL FDR STALIN

6 2. Yalta Conference Create United Nations
permanent nations = USA, GB, France, USSR, China (all WWII winners) Declaration of Liberated Europe allies agree to allow all European nations to choice own government. . . Soviets violate – pressure Romania into Communism

7 2. Yalta Conference Poland?
Allies couldn’t agree, USSR wants Poland as buffer zone Compromise = Poland will be free, but Soviets will help them hold free elections. Stalin cheats, Poland becomes communist

8 2. Yalta Conference Germany?
USSR fear safety = wants to keep a G down = reparations USA doesn’t want reparations, wants Germany to rebuild and become a trade partner. Compromise = divide Germany into Four Zones, each ally gets a piece and they decide what to do with it..

9 3. Potsdam Conference July 1945

10 3. Potsdam Conference Warn Japan to surrender
USA & USSR argue about Germany reparations US = German economy needs to revive Soviets = need more reparations

11 3. Potsdam Conference TRUMANS DEAL TO SOVIETS
Soviets take reparations from their zone allow other zones to revive To sweeten the deal . . . Soviets given industrial equipment in exchange for food Don’t forget we have Atomic Bomb

12 4. Iron Curtain Truman wins reparations argument but USSR leaves conference and starts “occupying” Eastern Europe Eastern Europe = Satellite Nations not under direct control of USSR by definitely influenced by Communusts

13 4. Iron Curtain “From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the continent. Behind the line lie all the capitals of ancient states of central and Eastern Europe All are subject, in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence, but to a very high and increasing measure of control from Moscow” – Winston Churchill Iron Curtain – separate Communist Eastern Europe from West, Soviets are spreading Communism


15 Containment As the Cold War began, the US
struggled to oppose Communism aggression in Europe and Asia through political, military, and economic measures

16 Containment George Kennan – Long Telegraph
Communist in epic struggle with Capitalism, no way for peace USA Develops policy of Containment Don’t allow Communism to spread and it will fall apart

17 Containment USA goal = Containment How? (1947)
A. Truman Doctrine = USA will come to aid of any nation who’s government is being pressured by an outside nation b. Marshall Plan = USA will send money to help European nations recover from the war

18 Iran (March 1946) During WWII – US S. Iran, USSR N. Iran
After WWII – Soviets refuse to leave Demand oil US sends Missouri to Mediterranean Sea Soviets leave

19 Turkey (August 1946) Soviets demand Strait of Dardanelles
US sends FDR to Mediterranean also

20 Greece (1947) Communist Guerilla’s try to over throw government
Britain to protect Greece, but to weak from War

21 Berlin (1948) US, Eng, and Fra merge zones together to create W. Germany New government, no military

22 Soviets blockade W. Berlin
June 1848 – Berlin Airlift 11 mths, 2 million tons of supplies May 12 Soviets end blockade


24 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization US, Eng, Fra, and 9 others
W Germany joins later Countries will give aid if any other attacked Soviets respond with Warsaw Pact

25 Military Dimension Baruch Plan – gradual nuclear disarmament (give US advantage) 1947: National Security Act Department of Defense, CIA, National Security Council Ramp up spending on the Airforce 1949 Soviets develop A-bomb we start work on H-bomb

26 Election 1948 Truman (D) V. Dewey (R)

27 Cold War Spreads to Asia China falls to Communism
Oct 1949 People’s Republic of China Flees to Taiwan

28 Korean War After WWII, USSR & USA split Germany They do the same thing with Korea Divided at the 38th Parallel North = communist (Kim Il-Sung) South = pro-west (Syngman Rhee)

29 June 24, 1950 North Korea Army (NKA) invades South Korea (Republic of Korea Army = ROK) UN places General MacArthur in charge of coalition troops

30 Phase 1 Korea split after WWII Koreas goal was to be reunited
NK – Communism SK – Capitalism/Democracy N.K S.K

31 Phase 2 June 1950 NK surprise attack/invades SK
Pushes SK down to Pusan Perimeter N.K S.K

32 Phase 3 UN – NK has violated rules
MacArthur will lead UN troops against NK Inchon – UN surprise attack behind enemy lines N.K S.K

33 Phase 4 China scared UN is to close to them = join war on NK team
China + NK V. UN + SK N.K S.K

34 Phase 5 July 1953 = Armistice signed
Today = Still UN troops at 38th keeping peace N.K S.K

35 Korean War Legacy 1st US Police Action Truman fires MacArthur!
Did we lose? The “Forgotten War”?




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