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Harry Truman and The Cold War By: Itzel Casarin.

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Presentation on theme: "Harry Truman and The Cold War By: Itzel Casarin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harry Truman and The Cold War By: Itzel Casarin

2 Before the Cold War The long Telegram Containment Iron Curtain Speech
Kennan’s “long telegram” described Soviet totalitarianism as internally weak. Containment Containment was largely a verbal process of promising “security from the fears of chaos, disease, and violation”. (2) Iron Curtain Speech Winston Churchill stated that the iron curtain, a military, political, and Soviet barrier, had fallen across Europe.

3 Entering the Cold War A political battle between the U.S and the Soviet Union It began with the relations between Moscow and Washington starting to deteriorate Moscow perceived Washington with harsh rules and attitude towards them Washington began being perceived as such because they feared of the spread of communism.

4 Truman Doctrine The doctrine pledged the United States to "assist free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.“(1) On March 12, 1947 Truman began to set forth the policy

5 Marshall Plan In June 1947, Secretary George C. Marshall proposed the extension of massive economic assistance to the devastated nations of Europe, saying that the policy of the United States was not directed “against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos”. (3) Invested about $13 million in Europe

6 The Berlin Airlift was a response to the western berlin blockade (4)
The blockade began with the Soviet stripping his sector of manufacturing equipment in an effort to garner partial payment for wartime remittances, further stifling the reemergence of a strong German economy. (5) The Berlin Airlift was a response to the western berlin blockade (4)

7 NATO The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
An Alliance made between the United States, Canada, and several Western European nations In spite of general agreement on the concept behind the treaty, it took several months to work out the exact terms. provides collective security against the Soviet Union

8 The Korean War (1950) A Cold War battleground
North Korea invades South Korea US assists South Korea USSR China assists North Korea China intervenes Becomes a tie

9 At Home Battles

10 The Fair Deal Truman said that “every segment of the population” deserved a “fair deal” The Fair Deal is built on Roosevelt's New Deal 1st priority- peace time economy G.I Bill

11 The HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) Trials
Began investigations on government spies before the 1948 Election Ex-Communist, Whittaker Chambers accuses Alger Hiss Hiss is interrogated charges brought by HUAC against lawyer Alger Hiss (8)

12 The Truman Doctrine: Containing Communism and Modernity
Denise Bostdorff, Proclaiming the Truman Doctrine: The Cold War Call to Arms. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, xii 193 pp. Textbook CONSCIENCE, COMRADES, AND THE COLD WAR:THE KOREAN WAR DRAFT RESISTANCE CASES OF SOCIALIST PACIFISTS DAVID MCREYNOLDS AND VERN DAVIDSON

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