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Chapter 16 World War Looms Pages 526-559.

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1 Chapter 16 World War Looms Pages

2 Section 1: Dictators Threaten World Peace

3 Democracy Fails Democratic style governments set up in Europe by the Allies post WWI Democracy fails People find hope in dictators.

4 Joseph Stalin 1879-1953 Communist leader of Soviet Russia.
Stalin translates to “steel”.

5 Joseph Stalin & the Soviet Union
Soviet Union established in 1922 Communist style of government Stalin focuses on the creation of a model communist state. Agricultural & Industrial growth at the forefront Private property is abolished and replaced with collectives. Large government owned farms worked by families.

6 Joseph Stalin & the Soviet Union
“Five-years plans” Plans devised by Stalin to direct industrialization of the state. Totalitarian style of government. Government has control of everything. Soviet Russia becomes a industrial super power. Stalin kills anyone who opposes his decisions. 8-13 million people

7 Benito Mussolini 1883-1945 Fascist leader of Italy
Also known as “Il Duce” or “The Leader”.

8 Benito Mussolini & Italy
Comes to power through the fears of economic collapse and the threat of communism. Fascist style of government. Stresses Nationalism Power lays with a single strong leader and a group of devoted advisors. Totalitarian state.

9 Benito Mussolini & Italy
Marches on Rome with his “Black Shirts”, in 1922. Rome’s inhabitants side with Mussolini King appoints Mussolini as the head of the government. Efficient economy Makes the trains run on time Crushed all who opposed him. Invades Ethiopia, in

10 Adolf Hitler 1889-1945 Nazi Party leader of Germany.
Also known as “De Führer” or “The Leader”.

11 Treaty of Versailles Fallout
Terms of the treaty for Germany Army & Navy was reduced. No air force. Returned captured territories. “War Guilt Clause” Payment of reparations.

12 Adolf Hitler & Nazi Germany
Joined the Nazi party shortly after WWI. National Socialist German Workers Party Nazism stresses extreme nationalism Much like fascism Wanted to unite all German-speaking people to create a German empire Hitler believed in a Master Race. Blond hair / Blue eyes = Aryan Race Believed in Ethnic Cleansing.

13 Adolf Hitler & Nazi Germany
Expansionism For Germany to strive it needed more “living space”. Great Depression helps Hitler come to power. War debts hits Germany’s economy hard 6 million unemployed Out of work men join Hitler’s private army the Storm Troopers or “Brown Shirts”. Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany, in 1933. Dismantles Weimar Republic and establishes the Third Reich.

14 Militaristic Japan Nationalistic belief Expansionism
Much like Russia, Germany, and Italy Expansionism More “living space” much like Germany Militarists attack and take over Manchuria, in 1931. The League of Nations condemn Japan and Japan withdraws from the League. Militarists are now in full control of Japans government.

15 The League of Nations Fails
Japan withdraws, in 1931 Germany leaves, in 1933 Begins to build military, in 1935 Takes over the Rhineland (LN does nothing). Italy captures Ethiopia in 1936 LN does nothing

16 Francisco Franco & Spain
Gen. Francisco Franco gains full control of the Spanish Army and rebels against the Spanish Republic. Spanish Civil War (1936) Soviets send Franco equipment and advisors. Germany & Italy send support with troops, weapons, tanks, and planes. Franco is victorious and becomes Spain's fascist dictator, in 1939.

17 Rome-Berlin Axis Alliance formed between Germany and Italy through the victory in the Spanish Civil War.

18 United States Acts of Neutrality
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928): Treaty signed by 62 countries stating that war would not be used “as an instrument of national policy”. FDR recognizes the Soviet Union in 1933 Exchanges ambassadors with Moscow Nonintervention with Latin America is continued. Good Neighbor Policy: Removes U.S. soldiers Reciprocal Trade Agreement (1934): Lowers tariffs.

19 Neutrality Acts Outlawed arms sales or loans to nations at war or in civil war. U.S. sends arms and supplies to Manchuria because although Japan captured Manchuria they never officially declared war.

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