Quote of the Day “I will not play for position. This is not a time for tactics. It is a time to stand square. I can stand defeat; I cannot stand retreat.

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Presentation on theme: "Quote of the Day “I will not play for position. This is not a time for tactics. It is a time to stand square. I can stand defeat; I cannot stand retreat."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quote of the Day “I will not play for position. This is not a time for tactics. It is a time to stand square. I can stand defeat; I cannot stand retreat from conscientious duty.”

2 World War I

3 Causes of World War I Nationalism- pride in country
Imperialism – competition Militarism – developing arms Alliance system – Attacking one is attacking all Assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia1914 Serbia attacking Austria-Hungary

4 Allies- France, Britain, Russia
Alliances Allies- France, Britain, Russia Central Powers- Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy, Ottoman empire Great War Begins


6 Schlieffen Plan German plan to quickly invade Belgium and
Drive towards paris Hold off on Russia Stopped at marne river resulting in long stalemate Set tone of trench warfare New weapons of tank and airplane

7 U.S. gets involved Wanted to ensure Allies repaid their debts and
protect shipping from German U-Boats American practiced neutrailty British blockade American boats could not get through to do business Germans starving German U-Boats (Response to Blockade) Blockaded Britain Destroyed the British Lusitania 1915 (128 Americans on board) Shifts American public opinion

8 Response Wilson decides not to pursue military response Germany sinks another passenger ship Promises it wont happen again Sinks another ship in 1916 Tells us to have Britain lift blockade or it will continue

9 “he kept us out of war”

10 U.S. Pushed into war Zimmerman Note
Britain intercepts telegram from German foreign minister to German ambassador in Mexico Proposed alliance between Germany and mexico against U.S. Russia becomes democracy after revolution Americans hesitant to join the side of a brutal monarchy

11 America turns the tide April 1917 America declares war
Selective service act Draft Segregated units Women involved in nursing and secretary roles November 1918 Austria-Hungary surrenders Germans revolt against government establishing new republic Germany signs armistice in November 1918 ending war

12 Wilson’s 14 points In a message to Congress before the end of the war Wilson outlines 14 points for world peace The first five dealt with preventing another war Freedom of the seas, reducing arms, no secret treaties The next eight were boundaries Distinct ethnic groups should have own nation states (Abolish empires) The final point called for a league of nations Forum for countries to air grievances without war

13 Established new nations ending empires Ottoman empire
Treaty of Versailles Established new nations ending empires Ottoman empire Austro-Hungarian Empire Barred Germany from having an army and required reparations $33 billion Humiliating


15 The debate Main opposition at home was over the league of nations
Felt it violated isolationist ideology Henry Cabot Lodge was suspicious of the joint provisions Congress’ authority to declare war Senate rejects the treaty

16 Espionage and Sedition acts Women in the war
Homework Read the content under the following red headings in chapter 11 section 3. You will be responsible for this content on your test. Espionage and Sedition acts Women in the war

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