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#1 Dawes Act.

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1 #1 Dawes Act

2 The Dawes Act The Dawes Act was a law that tried to “Americanize” Native-Americans (assimilation) Native Americans were encouraged to live and behave like white Americans How the government encouraged assimilation: “Americanization” schools for Native American children taught how to be “American” US government officials killed millions of bison/buffalos (their main food source) Missionaries taught Christianity to Native Americans Three Lakota boys, Carlisle Indian Industrial School

3 #2 Boomtowns

4 Boomtowns - towns that grew up near major mining sites
Some boom towns developed into cities, such as Denver, CO, and Reno, NV.

5 #3 buffalos killed



8 #4 Wounded Knee Massacre

9 Wounded Knee Massacre (1890)
Members of the Sioux Tribe often performed a ritual dance called the Ghost Dance. members of the Sioux tribe believed that if everyone followed the Ghost Dance rituals that their culture and power would be restored and the white people would leave their lands US soldiers felt threatened by large gatherings of Sioux men and their families US troops fired on a group of Sioux gathered for the Ghost Dance, killing dozens of men, women and children

10 #5 decrease of Native American population


12 #6 increase of American population in the West

13 Less than seven percent of the American population lived in the West in By 1900 this number was about 60% The US Westward Expansion by Guillaume Vandenbroucke. University of Southern California. November 2006

14 #7 decrease of Native American land

15 Native American land


17 #8 Native American conflicts

18 West of the Mississippi
Indian Wars West of the Mississippi Puget Sound War (1855–1856) Coeur d'Alene War (1858) Mohave War (1858–1859) Navajo Wars (1858–1864) Paiute War (1860) Yavapai Wars (1861–1875) Snake War (1864–1869) Hualapai War (1865–1870) Modoc War (1872–1873) Nez Perce War (1877) Bannock War (1878) Crow War (1887) Bannock Uprising (1895) Yaqui Uprising (1896) Battle of Sugar Point (1898) Crazy Snake Rebellion (1909) Last Massacre (1911) Battle of Kelley Creek (1911) Battle of Bear Valley (1918) Arikara War (1823) Osage Indian War (1837) Texas–Indian wars (1836–1877) Comanche Wars (1836–1877) Antelope Hills expedition (1858) Comanche Campaign (1867–1875) Red River War (1874–1875) Buffalo Hunters' War (1876–1877) Cayuse War (1847–1855) Apache Wars (1849–1924) Jicarilla War (1849–1855) Chiricahua Wars (1860–1886) Tonto War (1871–1875) Renegade period (1879–1924) Victorio's War (1879–1880) Geronimo's War (1881–1886) Yuma War (1850–1853) Ute Wars (1850–1923) Provo War (1850) Walker War (1853–1854) Tintic War (1856) Black Hawk War (1865–1872) White River War (1879) Ute War (1887) Bluff War (1914–1915) Bluff Skirmish (1921) Posey War (1923) Sioux Wars (1854–1891) First Sioux War (1854) Dakota War (1862) Colorado War (1863–1865) Powder River War (1865) Red Cloud's War (1866–1868) Great Sioux War (1876–1877) Ghost Dance War (1890–1891) Rogue River Wars (1855–1856) Yakima War (1855–1858)

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