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Conflict with Native Americans

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1 Conflict with Native Americans
Chapter 11, Section 2

2 Cultures Under Pressure
Though there were many tribes present on the Great Plains, they all shared a common idea– that they were a part of nature and nature was sacred. Starting with the Trail of Tears, Native Americans were forced to move to accommodate settlers. They were forced to live on separate reservations, specific land set aside by the government for the Native Americans’ use. The Native Americans were also hurt by the introduction of diseases and the destruction of the buffalo herds.

3 Clashes with Native Americans
Tensions existed between settlers and the Native Americans because of the settlers’ desire for land. When Native Americans did not want to move, and treaties were broken by the government, tension arose. In 1864, John Chivington and his men opened fire on unarmed Cheyenne at Sand Creek. His men then went on to mutilate the bodies. The Sand Creek Massacre sparked anger from the Plains Indians towards the settlers.

4 End of the Indian Wars Red River War
Series of battles ultimately leading to the defeat of the powerful southern Plains tribes. The Native Americans were angry for two reasons: Buffalo hunters would not stay off Native American land The government failed to provide the promised food and supplies.

5 End of the Indian Wars Battle of Little Big Horn
Conflict over gold in the northern Plains Sioux, led by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse attempted to drive out settlers George Custer arrived ahead of reinforcements and both he and his men were easily defeated.

6 End of the Indian Wars Battle of Wounded Knee
Religious revival of the Ghost Dance, the goal of which was to bring back the buffalo. As the movement grew, the government became anxious and ordered the arrest of Sitting Bull In the confrontation, more than 100 men were killed as the Native Americans fled to Wounded Knee, South Dakota.

7 Assimilation The U.S. government had a strong desire for Native Americans to assimilate, or adopt the culture and civilization of whites. In an effort to downgrade the power of the tribes, the U.S. government began recognizing Native Americans as individuals. The reservation system was replaced by an allotment system. Each Native American family was granted 160 acres of land, not to be touched for 25 years under the Dawes General Allotment Act. This was to encourage young Native Americans to take up farming.

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