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Review Nullification Crisis XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion

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1 Review Nullification Crisis XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion
Identify which event occurred under which president: Presidents- Washington Adams Jefferson Polk Madison J.Q Adams Jackson Van Buren Lincoln Events: Nullification Crisis XYZ Affair Whiskey Rebellion War of Jay’s Treaty Mex-Am War Trail of Tears Lewis & Clark Gettysburg Address Marbury v. Madison French Rev. Embargo of 1807 Alien & Sedition Acts 1st Democrat Hamilton’s Plan Tariff of Abominations Worcester v. Georgia

2 Business Work back Start of Civil War
What happened before Lincoln was inaugurated? What officially started the war? Describe the Civil War from

3 How was the Civil War fought?

4 Raising Armies After Fort Sumter:
Lincoln called for, got Union volunteers Patriotism, money, glory 4 more states seceded States responsible for raising armies (not federal government)

5 Robert E Lee Lincoln’s first choice for commander of Union Army Lee:
Captured John Brown Virginian, slave owner Opposed secession Mex-Am War veteran Joined Confederates

6 North vs South North- advantages Greater population, more soldiers
Factories, more goods More railroads, transportation Already had military

7 North vs South North- disadvantages Fighting far from home
Invading/attacking vs defending Copperheads- northerners who did not want the war

8 North vs South South- advantages
Defending homeland, greater determination Defending against “corrupt invaders” Physically closer to headquarters, home Capital on Richmond, VA

9 North vs South South- disadvantages
Had to raise military, money from scratch 1862- draft Wouldn’t put guns in hands of slaves (at first) Manufactured goods scarce Why? North blockaded Southern ports

10 First “Modern” War Warfare changed
Fought by ordinary people, not professional soldiers Don’t send lines of soldiers at each other, attack weak points and use geography Divided into units: Cavalry (horses), artillery (cannons), infantry (foot soldiers)

11 African American Soldiers
Slaves used in noncombat roles in South Manual labor, cooks, assistants, etc Thought they would run, riot 1865- used as soldiers Free African Americans fought for Union Under white officers, segregated units

12 Women Women on both sides managed businesses, farms (especially in South) Still wives, mothers Many found jobs in government / army Factories, office jobs, sewing, nurses, etc

13 Battles Many Northerners thought war would be quick – it wasn’t
Bloody battles through 1861, 62, 63 Changed how Northerners felt about slavery, Southerners Lincoln decided US should free slaves

14 1862/3- Emancipation Proclamation
Declared all slaves in rebel states were free What is notable about this statement? Applied only to Confederacy But now the war being fought for freedom / abolition

15 1- Civil War in 1864 What is the situation? Who is winning?
What has happened in the past 4 years? Who is winning? What is the war being fought for? North South

16 2- Emancipation Proclamation
History calls Lincoln the “Great Emancipator.” (emancipator = person who frees others) Many argue that his signing of the Emancipation Proclamation made him worthy of this title. Explain why this title is true. Explain why this title is false.

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