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Hinduism Who: No single founder What: Polytheistic religion

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism Who: No single founder What: Polytheistic religion"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism Who: No single founder What: Polytheistic religion
Where: Southeast Asia- India When: 1500 BCE Why: The goal in life is to achieve union with the Brahman How: worship the main gods follow Karma & Dharma follow Caste system sacred text- UPANISHADS VEDAS- collection of prayers

2 Hinduism (page 14) Hinduism is one of the oldest and most complex religions in the world. Unlike most religions, Hinduism has no single founder. It developed and changed over 3,500 years, growing out of the diverse people who settled in India. (Cultural Diffusion???)

3 Hinduism Hindus believe in one unifying spirit, _Brahman______________. Brahman is too complex for humans to understand, therefore, Hindus worship gods that give a more concrete form of Brahman.

4 Hindu GODS How does a Hindu become closer to the Brahman?
Follow the three main Hindu Gods. BRAHMA- the Creator VISHNU- the Preserver SHIVA- the destroyer Reincarnation- rebirth of the soul in a new body

5 Reincarnation: Achieving union with Brahman is the ultimate goal for Hindus. This is called ____Moksha (Enlightenment)_____________. Most people cannot achieve this union in one lifetime. The concept of _____Reincarnation___________________, the rebirth of the soul in a new body, allows people to continue their journey toward union with Brahman.

6 People get closer to Brahman by obeying the laws of Karma/Dharma
Karma- all the religious actions of a person’s life that affect’s his/her existence in the next life. Dharma- religious duties that are expected of an individual (age, class, gender).

7 Hindu caste system (page 15)

8 Hinduism List 8 facts on the back of your packet.

9 Buddhism (page 16)

10 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
1) Who is the founder of Buddhism? Siddhartha Gautama 2) He was a prince in Nepal, a country north of India. Why did he leave home? Find the meaning of life or what is the cause of suffering

11 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
3) What did Siddhartha suddenly realize after much meditation? What was he known as? Reason for human suffering The Buddha (Enlightened One)

12 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
4) Write down the Four Noble Truths. 1. All humans suffer and feel pain 2. Suffering is caused by Desire, by wanting what one can’t have 3. Suffering ends when one puts aside Desire 4. Desire may be overcome by following certain rules

13 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
5) What do the rules of the Eight Fold Path have to do with? All eight rules have to do with being gentle, unselfish, and mindful of others.

14 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
6) . Name and describe the ultimate goal of the “Eightfold Path”. NIRVANA is a state of mind that is blessed with understanding, peace, and freedom.

15 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
7) What is the sacred text of Buddhism? Tripitaka

16 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
8) What beliefs of Hinduism do Buddhists reject? Caste System

17 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
9) Name and explain the concept Buddhists do keep from Hinduism. Reincarnation

18 Buddhism (pg 18 in packet)
10) To what do Buddhist monks and nuns devote their lives? To poverty, meditation, and study. To learn humility, monks must beg for food and money.

19 Buddhism List 8 facts on the back of your packet.

20 Venn Diagram Page 19 in packet.
x5 examples per Hinduism, Buddhism, & similarities.

21 Preview Any examples in history of people doing crazy things or committing violent acts in the name of their religion??

22 ?? What is Kamikaze? What time period did this take place?

23 Kamikaze (means Divine Wind)
Tactic used by Japanese to stop U.S. advance toward Japan during WW2. Pilots would crash their planes into U.S. ships.

24 Kamikaze attack during WW2.

25 Shintoism Religion of deeper connection and appreciation for the forces of nature. Also, a deep respect for ancestors. The religion does not preach destruction. Political leaders of Japan during WW2 used the religion to motivate people to fight.

26 shintoism

27 Shintoism Shinto is the ancient religion of Japan—at least 1500 years old. Shinto evolved from a mixture of tribal religions. “Shinto” means way of the Gods. Shinto emphasizes an appreciation for the beauties in nature. Today, many Japanese people combine Shinto rituals with other religions, especially Buddhism. Shinto and Buddhism both became official religions of Japan in about 700 CE.

28 Shinto Worship According to Shinto, nature is full of spirits, called Kami. People worship Kami and ask them for favors at shrines and at home. Shrines can be large or small, but all have one or more gates. These gates represent the line between the everyday world and the spiritual world. Shrines are typically found near places of impressive natural beauty (lakes, mountains, etc). People bow as the pass through the gates of the shrines. Shinto priests bang drums close to the shrine of the Kami. This alerts the Kami to the presence of worshipers.

29 Teachings and Beliefs Shinto teaches that there is a sacredness of the whole universe and that humans can be in tune with this sacredness. Every mountain, river, plant, animal, and all the diverse phenomena of heaven and earth have spirits, or kami, which inhabit them. Reverence is paid to the ancestors through the practice of ancestor worship

30 Many Japanese people practice both Buddhism and Shinto.
Food for thought… Many Japanese people practice both Buddhism and Shinto. How is it possible to be both a Buddhist and Shintoist? What does this tell you about Japanese thinking?


32 Animism is the oldest known type of belief system in the world
Animism is the oldest known type of belief system in the world. It is still practiced in a variety of forms in many traditional societies. Animists practice nature worship. They believe that everything in the universe has a spirit. This is exemplified by the practices of the Plains Indians in North America who would praise the spirit of the buffalo that they killed for giving its life to them so that they might survive. Animists also believed that ancestors watch over the living from the spirit world. This belief resulted in ancestor worship as a means of communicating with and showing respect to ancestors.

33 Multiple Choice Practice
1. Animism is a belief that a. all animals are gods b. every living and nonliving thing in nature has a spirit c. animals should not be killed for food 2. Animism was generally a belief system of a. the Hindus b. the Ninjas c. early societies 3. Shinto means a. the way of the gods b. the samurai afterlife c. Asian spirits

34 4. Shintoism is the native religion of
a. China b. Korea c. Japan 5. Shinto is characterized by the worship of a. atman b. kami c. haiku 6. The philosophy of Shintoism is based on a. respect for national royalty b. reverence for small animals c. respect for the powerful forces of nature 7. Shintoism also involves the worship of a. ancestors b. the Virgin Mary c. dynasties 8. Shintoism is practiced alongside the religion a. Judaism b. Buddhism c. Islam

35 Words of Wisdom In groups of 2-4 create a phrase or statement promoting social order (discipline), moral behavior (be good), or a willingness to contribute to society in a positive way (achieve). Take minutes. Write your statement down on the big paper using a marker. Be prepare to share your statement with the rest of the class & tell us what it means.

36 CONFUCIANISM (page 24)

37 CONFUCIANISM Philosophy that originated in China (550 BCE).
Goal of the founder Confucius was to promote social order & good behavior in society. Confucius used phrases or sayings as a method to motivate people to follow his ideas.

38 Confucius Quotes!! “Do not do on to others as you do not want done to you.” “Respect your parents.”

39 Harmony & Order Confucius (Kung Fu-tz 551BCE) was China’s most famous philosopher. Confucianism, the way of life based on the ideas and teachings of Confucius, has probably influenced more people than any other set of rules concerning human behavior. He taught that if each man knew the proper conduct expected of him, then he would follow it. He believed each man must work to keep the rules of harmony and order. The family was to teach the rules of harmony and order. His ideas are collected in a book called the Analects. Confucius traveled throughout China lecturing the people on the wisdom of his ideas. To this day, his rituals are still practiced and his attributes accepted by many especially in China, Korea and Japan.

40 Four Classes… Scholars & Rulers: provide harmony and order to society
Peasants (Farmers): produced the food that society needs Craftsmen & Artisans: produced products society needs Merchants: did not produce anything, but acted as middlemen **Confucius did not rank soldiers because they were breaking the rules of harmony and order.

41 Five Human Relationships…
1. Ruler to Subject Ruler must set proper example, if not, could overthrow! 2. Father to Son  Father must be worthy model for children. Must guide behavior & develop character. 3. Husband and Wife  Husband was head of family & protected reputation. 4. Elder Brother to Younger Brother  Older son is to model his behavior for his younger brothers. Younger brothers were expected to accept the place of the older brother without complaint. 5. Friend to Friend  The only equal relationship. The Confucian Golden Rule applies: “Do not do on to others as you do not want done to you.”

42 Family!!! Confucius taught that FAMILY, not the individual, was at the basic unit of Chinese life. The family included all relatives. The oldest person was the honored and obeyed family head. The family assumed responsibility for the livelihood and good conduct of its members. Marriage was not intended for individual happiness, but to perpetuate the family. Individuals had to live by a code of ethics that guided all behavior: 1. Careful observance of ancient traditions, 2. Reverence for learning, 3. Cherishing of honesty, 4. Devotion to parents, family, and friends, 5. Obedience to the “golden rule”. For more than 2000 years, Confucianism dominated Chinese daily life and politics. Confucian writings served as official school textbooks. Confucianism stabilized society but often halted progress. Intense family loyalty hampered the development of Chinese nationalism.

43 Respect shown by children for their parents & elders!!!!
FILIAL PIETY Respect shown by children for their parents & elders!!!!



46 Taoism (page 26) About 2500 years ago, China was a country with many problems. Two major philosophies arose, proposing ways to restore peace and harmony—Confucianism and Taoism (pronounce Dow-ism). Unlike Confucianism, Taoism was concerned with the individual, offering ways to ensure health and well-being. The name “Lao Tzu” means Old Master or Old Wise person. As an old man, Lao Tzu was very unhappy at the conflict he saw around him. He wrote a short book, only about five thousand characters (each Chinese character is one word). His book became known as Tao Te Chang, meaning The Way and Its Power.

47 “Tao” means the way or path, but it is a very hard idea to put into words. Tao has no form, no beginning, and no end. It is the energy or power that flows through all things. The goal of Taoists is to become one with the Tao. To do this, a person must learn to let things happen, as they do in nature (acting without scheming). It also means giving up the desire for possessions and control. Long life and immortality are also goals Taoists pursue, using meditation and physical exercise.

48 Yin & Yang I represent yin and yang, two opposite forces that work together in all tings. Yin is dark and heavy and bound to the earth. Yang is light and airy. The dot of one inside the other shows that there is the seed of each in the other.

49 Debate (place response @ bottom of page 26)
Confucianism, Taoism, & Legalism. Which philosophy do you agree with the most & why?

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