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Public Speaking The Process.

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1 Public Speaking The Process

2 Select Your Topic and Purpose
Topic - something that is interesting to you and your audience. Depends upon the type of speech you are giving.

3 Select Your Topic and Purpose
Informative - select a topic somewhat familiar to your audience, but will make them wanting more. Persuasive - choose either a topic your audience agrees with or disagrees with. Narrative - tell a story your audience will find interesting.

4 Select Your Topic and Purpose
taboo - a topic that causes conflict. Avoid taboos in speeches.

5 Select Your Topic and Purpose
How to find your topic: Topic Lists Surveys News Items Personal Interest

6 Select Your Topic and Purpose
Limit your topic - plan to cover a topic in depth rather than a broad, general topic.

7 Select Your Topic and Purpose
General purpose - inform, persuade, narrate Specific purpose - identifies the information you want to communicate to your audience.

8 Analyze Your Audience Important factors to know about your audience:
culture age gender religion/religiousness

9 Analyze Your Audience How does your audience think?
How willing is your audience? How knowledgeable is your audience? How favorable is your audience?

10 Analyze Your Audience Analyze and Adapt
Focus on your listeners as message senders Address audience responses directly

11 Research Your Topic Begin searching what you already know
Get an overview of the topic Follow up with more detailed and specific sources

12 Research How do you integrate research into your speech?

13 Research Example: My discussion of the causes of anorexic nervosa is based on the work of Dr. Peter Rowan of the Priory Hospital in London. In an article titled “Introducing Anorexia Nervosa,” Rowan notes that “this is a disorder of many causes that come together.” It’s these causes I want to cover today.

14 Research Introduce the quote Author Where you got the information
Explain how it relates Use quote to continue your thoughts

15 Thesis and Main Points Start with your thesis - main idea
What is your “claim”? What is the main thought behind your speech? What are you saying?

16 Thesis and Main Points Main Points
These are the points you want your audience to take away from your speech Select points that are most relevant, not just to fill space Shoot for around 3 main points.

17 Support Your Main Points
Examples, illustrations, testimony Definitions Statistics Logical support Motivational support Credibility

18 Organize Your Information
Time Spatial Topical Problem-Solution Cause-Effect/Effect-Cause Motivated Sequence Structure-Function Compare-Contrast Pros and Cons Claim and Proof Multiple Definitions Who, What, When, Where, Why Fiction-Fact

19 Time Organize major issues on the basis of some time, or temporal relationship Organize into two, three, or four major parts. Typically used for historical events or topics that take place in time.

20 Spatial Patterning the main points on the basis of space or physical location. Discussions of physical objects or travel fit well.

21 Topical Pattern Divides the speech into subtopics or component parts.
Useful for discussing larger topics that have multiple parts.

22 Problem-Solution Divides main topic into two main parts: problems and solutions. Useful for persuasive speeches. You must provide solutions to problems.

23 Cause-Effect/Effect-Cause
Similar to problem-solution Useful for persuasive speeches Divide into causes and effects

24 Motivated Sequence Arrange information to motivate your audience to respond positively to your purpose Attention Need Satisfaction Visualization Action

25 Structure-Function Discussion of how something is constructed.
Useful in informative speeches.

26 Comparison-Contrast Discussion of how two things are similar and different Useful in informative

27 Pro and Con Useful in informative speeches Objective explanations

28 Claim and Proof Prove truth or usefulness of a proposition
Useful for persuasive Used frequently in trials

29 Multiple Definition Useful in informative speeches
Explain the nature of a concept

30 Who, What, Why, Where, When Useful in informative speeches
Mainly for reporting events

31 Fiction-Fact Useful in clarifying misconceptions (think Mythbusters)
Informative or Persuasive


33 Discussion George and Rose want to give their speeches on opposite sides of Megan’s law-the law requiring that community residents be notified if a convicted sex offender is living in close proximity. If George and Rose were giving their speeches to our class, what would you advise each of them to do concerning the statement of their thesis?

34 Discussion You’re to give a speech to your class on the need to establish a day care center for parents who attend college but have no means to hire people to take care of their children. You want to use the motivated sequence. How would you accomplish each step?

35 Practice Conduct a biographical search for some famous person you’re interested in. Create a one minute speech using one of the strategies discussed about your chosen individual.

36 Preparation and Delivery
Public Speaking Preparation and Delivery

37 Word Your Speech Your speech must be understood immediately by your audience. Be sure to use qualifiers: however, although, perhaps, etc.

38 Word Your Speech Clarity Vividness Appropriateness Personal Style
Power Sentence Construction

39 Clarity Be Economical - Don’t waste words.
Use Specific Terms and Numbers Use Guide Phrases - first, second, also... Use Short, Familiar Terms - favor the short over the long Carefully Assess Idioms - use words your audience will understand Vary the Levels of Abstraction - Combine high abstraction with low

40 Vividness Use Active Verbs Use Figures of Speech Use Imagery

41 Appropriateness Speak at the appropriate level of formality
Avoid Written-style expression (former, latter, etc) Avoid slang, vulgar, and offensive expressions

42 Personal Style Use personal pronouns Direct questions to the audience
Create immediacy - a connectedness, a relatedness, a oneness with your listeners.

43 Power Avoid the following Hesitations Too many intensifiers
Disqualifies Tag questions Self-critical statements Slang and vulgar language

44 Sentence Construction
Favor short over long sentences Favor direct over indirect sentences Favor active over passive sentences Favor positive over negative sentences Vary the type and length of sentences

45 Construct Build your Conclusion and Introduction with care
Both will determine the effectiveness of your speech.

46 Conclusion Summarize Close

47 Summarize Restate your thesis. Restate the importance of your thesis.
Restate your main points.

48 Close Use a quotation. Pose a challenge or question.
Motivate your audience to do something. Thank the audience.

49 Introduction Gain Attention Orient the Audience

50 Gain Attention Ask a question Refer to specific audience members
Refer to recent happenings Use illustrations or dramatic or humorous stories Use visual aids

51 Orient the Audience Give the audience a general idea of your subject.
Give a detailed preview of your main points. Identify the goal you hope to achieve.

52 Avoiding Some Common Faults
Don’t start your speech immediately. Don’t display discomfort or displeasure. Don’t apologize. Don’t preface your introduction. Don’t introduce new material in your conclusion. Don’t race away from the speaker’s stand.

53 Transitions Words, phrases, or sentences that connect the various parts of your speech. Use between the introduction and the body of your speech between the body and the conclusion between the main points in the body of the speech.

54 Transitions Announce the start of a main point or evidence
Signal you are drawing a conclusion from evidence Alert the audience to an exception Remind listeners what you have said Signal the next part of your speech.

55 Internal Summary A statement that summarize what you have already discussed.

56 Organization Preparation Outline Template Outline Delivery Outline

57 Rehearse Your Speech Impromptu - speaking without preparation
Manuscript - write and read speech Extemporaneous - know what you want to say but not reading

58 Deliver Your Speech Voice Body Notes

59 Voice Volume Rate Articulation and Pronunciation Pauses

60 Body Action Eye Contact Facial Expression Gestures and Posture

61 Using Notes Only use outline (unless manuscript speech)
Know your notes so you don’t have to read them Don’t make it obvious that you are looking at your notes.

62 Evaluating Speeches Say something positive Be specific Be objective
Limit criticism Be constructive Focus on behavior Own your own criticism Be culturally sensitive


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