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Foods 10 project By Tamara Markel.

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1 Foods 10 project By Tamara Markel

2 Vitamins Vitamins Vitamin A helps the retina adjust to dim lights-egg yolks Vitamin C helps your eyesight-citrus fruits, green vegetables Vitamin D helps body use calcium & phosphorus-milk products & margarine Vitamin E helps to prevent oxygen from destroying polysaturated fat in your body-vegetable oil, peanuts Vitamin K helps the normal clotting of blood-yellow fruits & yellow & leafy green vegetables Riboflavin helps release energy to body cells during metabolism-milk, cheese, eggs, vegetables Nicacin helps obtain energy from carbohydrates-meat, fish, eggs, bread & pasta Thiamin helps release energy from carbohydrates-pork, dried legumes, lentils B12 helps maintain healthy blood-meat & milk Folacin helps maintain healthy blood-lima beans, asparagus, orange juice, bananas & cantaloupe

3 Vitamins Water Soluble- Excess is not stored in the body
Needed vitamins in the diet Vitamin C & B (Thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folacin, B12) Fat soluble- Found in the presence of food Not easily destroyed during cooking of the food Excess in the body is stored in fat Vitamin A, D, E, K

4 Minerals Calcium helps maintain hard bones & teeth, regular muscle tone-milk, green vegetables, sardines, canned salmon with bones, baked beans & almonds Phosphorus helps form and maintain healthy bones and teeth, helps with energy metabolism-milk products, animal proteins Iron helps with the formation of hemoglobin, lets blood transport oxygen and carbon dioxide-red meat, seafood, whole grain products & dried legumes Zinc helps with building protein and healing wounds-meat, milk, egg yolks, seafood, whole grain products

5 Water Importance Lubricant in digestion
Saliva made from water helps aid chewing and swallowing Lubricates joints and cartilage Regulates body temperature What happens if we don’t have enough Dehydration Dehydration-body rations water away from joints-joint, knee and back pain Dehydration causes daytime fatigue Body cannot run without water

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