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What Brings People Together?

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Presentation on theme: "What Brings People Together?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Brings People Together?
The English Colonies What Brings People Together?

2 What Brought the English Colonists Together?
Religion = most English colonists were Protestant (not Catholic) Christians Language = spoke English Race/Ethnicity = Most were white & English Beliefs = believed in limited government, representative government, and rights Money = the colonists grew to rely on each other because of the British economic system of mercantilism

3 Roanoke Island What was the first English settlement?
Why did it fail? Roanoke Island (in North Carolina) It failed and the people disappeared. The English could not support it because of the problems with the Spanish. Settlers were alone without any help

4 History lesson = Why do we speak English?
1. Colonies: Spain got the first Colonies and became the world’s strongest power. England was jealous and wanted to be powerful too. Why did the English have a rivalry with Spain?

5 Speaking English #2 Why did the English have a rivalry with the Spanish? 2. Protestant Reformation: The Catholic church split into over religious differences. The pope ordered that the church be reunited by force if necessary. The Spanish were the most powerful Catholic country. The English were the most powerful Protestant country. England supported a Dutch revolt against Spain

6 Speaking English Why did the English and Spanish have a rivalry?
The Mary’s: England also treated two Catholic queens very badly (Mary and Mary Queen of Scots) Queen Mary – Catholic queen of England who tried to convert the people of England back to Catholicism. She was married to King Phillip of Spain. When she died – her sister Elizabeth became queen, moved England back to Protestantism, and refused to marry Phillip. Mary Queen of Scotts executed by Queen Elizabeth after Mary was accused of trying to have Elizabeth killed. Spain furious!

7 Why do we speak English? What did the rivalry with Spain lead to?
The Spanish Armada: Phillip ordered all of his best ships be assembled to attack the English. The English had a small navy. Elizabeth assembled a group of pirates and volunteers. Because of wind and good luck. The English destroyed the Spanish Armada!

8 Speaking English The Spanish would begin slowly to lose power
What did this lead to (why was it important)? The Spanish would begin slowly to lose power The English would slowly grow in power The English would be able to successfully start and support colonies in the America! (Jamestown in Virginia)

9 Jamestown What was the first permanent English settlement?
Jamestown (in Virginia) Started by the Virginia Company – to make money The reasons people came there became a primary motivation for people in America Established important traditions of self representative government Plantation slavery because of the environment

10 Jamestown Money and Land! Why did most men come to Jamestown?
Laws of Primogeniture: English laws that said only the first born sons could get land from their fathers. Made “other” sons desperate Also there were: Poor economic condition and land shortages in England Why did most men come to Jamestown?

11 Jamestown What problems did Jamestown have?
Men only wanted to find gold and get rich quick Not used to hard work Arguing and fighting Location = swamp and bad water Too far from home Mosquitoes and malaria Powhatan Indians wary and not helpful

12 Jamestown What was the House of Burgesses
Representative assembly in Virginia based on Parliament Attracted people to Virginia = just as free there as in England Importance = precedent (example) for all other colonies Colonists would govern themselves and expect the same rights as people in England

13 Jamestown Success #1 Why did Jamestown succeed?
Leadership of John Smith: a soldier and explorer took control of the settlement. Installed military discipline = work for food. Established a relationship with the Powhatan. Negotiated for corn and helped keep the peace

14 Jamestown Success #2 Why was Jamestown successful?
Tobacco and Environment: very good (soil) John Rolfe brought in tobacco (cash crop). Brought in the money that the VA Company needed More people desperate for money will move there Importance: Motivation of money and the environment led to - Plantation style farming and slavery in the South

15 Jamestown Success #3 Why was Jamestown successful?
Peace with the natives John Rolfe married Pocahontas (Indian princess). Natives began to help the English Importance = time to grow

16 Success #4 Why was Jamestown successful? Successful Government
House of Burgesses, Representative Government, and the charter Colonists would govern themselves and expect the same rights as people in England

17 Jamestown Importance reviewed:
Environment led to plantation slavery in the Southern Colonies Motivation of money became a part of the culture. Representative Government and rights of Englishmen for colonists would lead to problems with the English government in the future. Success leads to growth of the Southern Colonies

18 Plymouth What was Plymouth? 2nd permanent English settlement (1620).
Settled by Pilgrims who traveled on the Mayflower. The place of the first Thanksgiving! 1st settlement in what would become New England

19 Plymouth Protestants from England. Who were the Puritan Pilgrims?
They wanted to reform the Church of England by making it less Catholic (making it simpler) Pilgrims were Puritans who wanted to separate from the Church of England (separatists). Persecuted for their beliefs in England In 1620 won a charter to start a new settlement in Virginia Who were the Puritan Pilgrims?

20 Plymouth (and New England)
Why did people come to Plymouth (and the other New England Colonies)? The Pilgrims went to the new world on a religious mission = start a colony based on their beliefs. People went to New England for religious reasons. Religion and doing the righteous thing would always be important to people from the North.

21 Plymouth What was the Mayflower Compact?
Why was it important? Agreement that stated that they would have a government and follow its rules. Precedent for written limits to government (like a constitution)

22 Plymouth Success Why was the settlement successful?
Unlike settlers at Jamestown, the people at Plymouth were hard workers. The local natives helped the settlers learn how to farm and survive the harsh weather. Government and religion provided order.

23 Importance #1 Why was Plymouth important?
Religion = motivation of religion and the belief that “we are closest to god” became an important part of American culture. Religious freedom: Pilgrims allowed it in Plymouth = tradition for the future

24 Importance #2 Why was Plymouth important? The first Thanksgiving
We still celebrate the coming together of the settlers and the Indians each November. It is a religious based feast that has become a national holiday

25 Importance #3 Why was Plymouth important?
The Mayflower Compact: set a precedent for constitutions and written documents about government Became an American tradition. Other settlers would follow the example leading to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut = the first Constitution followed the example of the Mayflower Compact

26 Importance #4 Why was Plymouth important? The New England Colonies
Success of Plymouth led to more Puritan settlers. This led to the growth of 4 New England Colonies that would be based on religion.

27 DO NOW What do you think the message of this cartoon is?

28 What is happening in the picture? Why will it be important?

29 What does this show? Why do you think this happened?

30 New England What were the New England colonies? Massachusetts
Connecticut Rhode Island New Hampshire

31 New England Who started the New England Colonies? Puritans:
John Winthrop (MA) Thomas Hooker (CN) Roger Williams (RI)

32 New England Why did people come to New England?
Puritans were reformers Being persecuted Strong religious beliefs Wanted to form a society based on their religious beliefs. CN – to limit government power RI – for religious tolerance

33 New England What was life like in New England? Government:
MA: had a legislature called the General Court CN: first constitution to limit government power Town meetings to make everyday decisions.

34 New England What was life like in the New England Colonies?
Economy: Based on the environment. Bad soil for farming Used trees: Shipbuilding and whaling became America’s first industries. Port cities like Boston grew around these businesses.

35 New England What was life like in the New England Colonies? Religion:
Strict religious rules Respected the Sabbath Did not like people that disagreed with them Roger Williams: ordered to leave Massachusetts Anne Hutchinson: woman who spoke out against Puritans and their teachings was forced to move to Rhode Island.

36 New England Importance?
Why were the New England Colonies important? Religion and reform: both would always be important. Will lead people to try and fix things in America (like slavery) Environment was bad for farming so slavery never grew. Industries and cities grew = population growth! This economy and population made the North powerful

37 Middle Colonies What were the Middle Colonies? New York New Jersey
Pennsylvania Delaware

38 Middle Colonies Who founded the Middle Colonies?
NY – Dutch and then the English took control NJ – Duke of York PA and DE: Quakers (William Penn)


40 The Middle Colonies Why did people come to the Middle Colonies?
Quakers (PA & DE) “Holy Experiment” Build a religious society based on beliefs: equality and peace! NJ and NY: money and land

41 Middle Colonies What was life like in the Middle Colonies? Government:
PA and DE: legislature and limits on government power. NY and NJ: Royal colonies. Still had legislatures but less power for the people


43 Middle Colonies What was life like in the Middle Colonies?
Economy: Based on environment. It was diverse: “Bread Basket” great soil for wheat and grain Skilled workers from all over = manufacturing Port cities like Philadelphia and New York grew.

44 Middle Colonies What was life like in the Middle Colonies? Religion:
Religious Tolerance Diversity: Because of religious tolerance, people came from all over Europe (Pennsylvania Dutch) Many people moved west (backcountry)

45 Middle Colonies Importance?
Why were the Middle Colonies important? Diversity: different talents and skills to the economy Manufacturing and cities = population growth and economic power A lot in common with New England Environment was not good for slavery (except DE) Quakers = first anti-slavery (abolitionists)

46 Southern Colonies What were the Southern Colonies? Virginia Maryland
North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

47 Southern Colonies Who founded the Southern Colonies?
VA = Virginia Company MD – Lord Baltimore NC and SC: 8 nobles GA: James Oglethorpe

48 The Southern Colonies Why did people come to the Southern Colonies?
Money and land MD: Catholics GA: for debtors

49 Southern Colonies What was life like in the Southern Colonies?
Government: VA House of Burgesses = legislature Each colony followed the precedent (example) All became royal colonies


51 Southern Colonies What was life like in the Southern Colonies?
Economy: Based on environment. Tidewater = near water had plantation slavery (rice, indigo, and tobacco) Backcountry = small farms grew grain and raised livestock



54 Southern Colonies Slavery:
Slaves traveled to America over the deadly “Middle Passage” Slave codes took away rights Few people owned slaves Slaves were important to the rich “planters” who owned many! What was life like in the Southern Colonies?

55 Southern Colonies What was life like in the Southern Colonies?
Religion: Act of Toleration – MD protected religious freedom Religion was not as important to everyday life in the South

56 Southern Colonies Importance?
Why were the Southern Colonies important? Making money became the primary motivation of most people Economy was based on plantation slavery Powerful landowners were slave owners who needed the slaves. Fewer cities and little manufacturing (smaller than the North)

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