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Psychology Unit 9: Classifying Mental Disorders, continued

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1 Psychology Unit 9: Classifying Mental Disorders, continued
David Rude, MA, CPC

2 New (also) to DSM - V Digital Dementia

3 Behavior Therapy Use of learning principles to make constructive changes in behavior Deep insight is not necessary Focus on the present Cannot change the past No reason to alter that which has yet to occur People learned to be the way they are They can relearn more appropriate behaviors

4 Psychotherapy Psychotherapy -- also called talk therapy, therapy, or counseling -- is a process focused on helping you heal and learn more constructive ways to deal with the problems or issues within your life. Generally psychotherapy is recommended whenever a person is grappling with a life, relationship or work issue or a specific mental health concern, and these issues are causing the individual a great deal of pain or upset for longer than a few days.

5 Aversion Therapy Associate a strong aversion to an undesirable habit like smoking, overeating, or drinking alcohol EX: Rapid Smoking Antabuse for alcoholism

6 Desensitization Systematic desensitization Hierarchy
Reduction in fear, anxiety, or aversion brought about by planned exposure to aversive stimuli. Hierarchy Rank-ordered series of steps Begin with least offensive and gradually move to more threatening stimuli

7 Cognitive Therapy Cognitive therapy
Change thinking patterns that lead to problematic behaviors or emotions Focus is on Self-talk Distorted thinking in Unit 3 Beliefs Stated Core

8 Adjustment Disorders Adjustment Disorders
Emotional disturbance caused by on-going stressors within the range of common experience Person is pushed beyond ability to cope effectively

9 Adjustment Disorders Symptoms
Sleep disturbances Irritability Anxiety Apathy Depression Loss of appetite, Other physical complaints Symptoms disappear when life circumstances improve

10 Adjustment Disorders Differs from anxiety disorders
Outward symptoms are similar Adjustment disorders Disappear when a person’s life circumstance improve Anxiety disorders Generate their own misery, regardless of what’s happening around them Autonomous to circumstances

11 Panic Disorder Agoraphobia
Fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen if they leave home or enter an unfamiliar situation Now refers simply to avoidance behavior Usually described as Panic Disorder.

12 Panic Disorder Panic attack Panic Disorder
Period of intense anxiety that occurs for no rational reason Anxiety or fear is not In response to a situation that tends to cause anxiety or fear in most people Due to an organic cause Panic Disorder Intense irrational fear that a panic attack will occur in a public place or unfamiliar situations. If they avoid places that frighten them it is called Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia.

13 Panic Disorder Symptoms Shortness of breath or smothering sensations.
Choking. Palpitations or accelerated heart rate (tachycardia). Chest pain or discomfort. Sweating. Dizziness, unsteady feelings, or faintness. Nausea or abdominal distress continued on next page

14 Panic Disorder Feelings of unreality (depersonalization or de- realization). Numbness or tingling sensations Flushes (hot flashes) or chills. Trembling or shaking Fear of becoming seriously ill or dying. Fear of going crazy or of doing something uncontrolled.

15 Panic Disorder Seven factors that interact to create a person’s personality. Family values and beliefs Methods of discipline Adult role models Place within the family constellation. Biological inheritance. Social conditions Meaning you gave to each of the above

16 Treating Panic Disorder
Four basic skills Understanding what produces and maintains excessive anxiety Learn anxiety and stress reduction skills. Cue controlled relaxation Copying self-statements Diaphragmatic breathing Distraction (redirection)

17 False Beliefs and Perfectionism
Perfection is possible Perfection by definition is impossible. If my goal is perfection I’m guaranteed failure. Perfection is a direction, not a place. My value is determined by my achievements Separate my value from the value of the things I do

18 Excessive Need for Approval
Coping self-statements used to challenge I don’t need everyone’s approval. Most of the disapproval I receive has little or nothing to do with me. In the long run, the people who matter to me will accept me as I am, those who don’t, don’t

19 Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
At least six months of chronic, unrealistic, or excessive anxiety

20 Social Phobia Social Phobia
Intense, irrational fear of being observed, evaluated, humiliated, or embarrassed by others in social situations crowds, public speaking, urinating in public restrooms, eating out, signing name Key issue: fear of being scrutinized by others

21 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Extreme preoccupation With certain thoughts Compulsive performance of certain behaviors Obsession Recurring images or thoughts that a person cannot prevent Cause anxiety and extreme discomfort

22 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsession (continued) Enter into consciousness against the person’s will Most common: Being dirty Wondering if you performed an action (turned off the stove) Committing immoral acts

23 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Compulsion Irrational acts that person feels compelled to repeat against his/her will Help to control anxiety created by obsessions Common types Checking Cleaners Rituals Watch video on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

24 Stress Disorders Stress Disorders Some common symptoms
Occur when stresses outside range of normal human experience cause major emotional disturbance Some common symptoms Reliving traumatic event repeatedly Avoiding reminders of the event Numbing of emotions Hyper-vigilence

25 Stress Disorders Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
lasts more than one month after the traumatic event has occurred may last for years Typically associated with combat and violent crimes (rape, assault, etc.) May be delayed

26 Stress Disorders Acute Stress Disorder
Psychological disturbance lasting up to one month following stresses from a traumatic event The difference between PTSD and acute stress disorder

27 Stress Disorders Acute Stress Disorder
Psychological disturbance lasting up to one month following stresses from a traumatic event

28 Mood Disorders Mood disorder Two general types
Major disturbances in mood or emotions such as depression or mania Two general types Depressive Bi-polar NEW: Sweet Sodas and Soft Drinks May Raise Your Risk of Depression, Study Finds

29 Major Mood Disorders Major Depressive Disorder:
A mood disorder where the person has suffered one or more intense episodes of depression Everything looks bleak and hopeless Suffering is intense Biology Video clip on depression

30 Major Mood Disorders Bipolar Disorders Bipolar I Disorder
Extreme mania and deep depression Mania Excited, hyperactive, energetic, loud, grandiose behavior May experience affective psychosis Bipolar II Disorder Person is mainly sad but has one or more hypomanic episodes (mild mania)

31 Treatment of Mood Disorders
Two main treatments Antidepressants Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) Others Anticonvulsives for Bipolar I Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for Major Depression

32 Other Mood Disorders Dysthymic [dis theem ic] Disorder
Moderate depression that lasts for at least two years Cyclothymic [syclo theem ic] Disorder Moderate manic and depressive behavior that lasts for at least two years

33 Other Mood Disorders Reactive Depression
Depression is greater than typical depression Triggered by a major failure, loss or setback

34 Dysthymic disorder Bipolar I Cyclothymic disorder Bipolar II
Depression Mania Dysthymic disorder Bipolar I Cyclothymic disorder Bipolar II Reactive depression Major depressive disorder

35 B - Dysthymic disorder C + D - Bipolar I
Depression Mania B - Dysthymic disorder C + D - Bipolar I C - Cyclothymic disorder C - Bipolar II B - Reactive depression A - Major depressive disorder

36 Living with Multiple Personalities

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