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Political Parties.

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1 Political Parties

2 Party Systems One-party system: Found in China and Cuba. This is the only party allowed to exist.

3 Party systems Two-party system: Found in the United States. (Democrat and Republican). Major difference between the two parties is that the Democrats feel the govt. should be more directly involved in the lives of the people. Republicans feel a strong economy will help people to help themselves. Minority party ideas will not be passed unless a major party adopts them.

4 Party Systems Multiparty system: Found in many European countries. People have a wide variety of ideas. Plurality: One party wins more seats than all others. Majority: One party wins more than half of the available seats. Coalition: Alliance with another party.

5 Major US Political Parties Timeline
Federalist Whig Republican Democratic-Republicans Democrats ___________________________________

6 Third Parties Minor parties that challenge the major parties.
Populist party: 1890’s. Direct election of Senators and the 8-hour workday. Progressive Party: Split from the Republicans in 1912. Reform party: Formed in Gained 19% of popular vote in the 1992 election.

7 Third Party Beliefs Third parties center around three things:
1. Single issue 2. Political belief 3. Single candidate - They sometimes act as spoilers and take votes away from the major parties. - They sometimes influence the major parties with ideas.

8 Political party functions
Main purpose is to get its candidates elected to office. Parties nominate, name, candidates to office and then campaign for support. Patronage: Giving special positions to loyal party workers.

9 Party Beliefs Political machine: Strong party organization that has its candidates elected year after year. Platform: All the goals of the party. Plank: An individual issue in a platform. Presidential candidates are named at the national convention.

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