The CHAMPs Acronym Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition? Help: How can students ask questions during this activity/transition?

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Presentation on theme: "The CHAMPs Acronym Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition? Help: How can students ask questions during this activity/transition?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The CHAMPs Acronym Conversation: Can students talk to each other during this activity/transition? Help: How can students ask questions during this activity/transition? How do they get your attention? Activity: What is the task/objective of this activity/transition? What is the expected end product? Movement: Can students move about during this activity/transition? Can they sharpen their pencil? Participation: What does appropriate student work behavior for this activity/transition look/sound like?

2 CHAMPS: Warm-Up / SSR C H A M P Whisper voices, related to the topic
Conversation Whisper voices, related to the topic H Help Raise hand, Wait patiently to be called A Activity Copy down homework in your agenda, show last night’s HW, begin SSR M Movement Get your materials ready, sit down BEFORE the bell P Participation Write in agenda, eyes on your own book 2

3 CHAMPS: Teacher Directed Instruction
Conversation Answer & ask questions when called on H Help Raise hand, Wait patiently to be chosen A Activity Listening, verbal responses when prompted M Movement Stay in seat P Participation Follow directions, on correct page, write 3

4 CHAMPS: Independent Seat Work
Conversation Brief whisper only about assignment H Help Raise hand, wait patiently to be seen, continue working A Activity Finish assignment M Movement Only one student out of seat at a time P Participation Eyes on your own paper, try your best 4

5 CHAMPS: Small Group Work
Conversation Talk quietly to people in your group only H Help Raise hand for help A Activity Work on assignment with your partner/group only M Movement Stay in seat, follow teacher directions P Participation Stay on task, work toward your group’s goal 5

6 CHAMPS: Test/Quizzes C H A M P Stay in seat No Talking
Conversation No Talking H Help Raise hand silently and wait patiently A Activity Attempt all questions, check your work M Movement Stay in seat P Participation Eyes on your own paper, Try your best 6

7 Teacher dismisses class, not the bell
CHAMPS: Dismissal C Conversation H Help A Activity M Movement P Participation Silence Raise hand, wait patiently to be called on Stand, push in chair, & stand behind it Teacher dismisses class, not the bell Clean up your work area

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