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Maximize Your Web site and Build Your Business

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1 Maximize Your Web site and Build Your Business

November 5, 2010 Delta Dental Conference Center 1619 N. Waterfront Parkway

3 Social Media and Flipper
Friends of Flipper Corporate Social Media is a service Pen Publishing provides with special price packaging based on channels wanted. Flipper, Social Media and You

4 Social Media and Flipper
Twitter/Foursquare Hash Tag For those currently using social media on a smart phone, you will know what this means. Used to indicate a shared event or a product. Feel free to Twitter during my presentation using this tag. #FriendsofFlipper

5 Social Media and Flipper
Flipper Social Media Integration Social Media Integration is located on the Admin area.  There are two display options Group View displays all the social media links in a roll-over bubble.  When the end user rolls over the icon a bubble will display all the social media options. List view displays an icon for each social media option. Probably the ones used most will be , Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. The others will be used to get listings for articles, blogs, etc. Delicious = bookmarking site Digg = voting on stories Reddit = Topical sections StumbleUpon = discovery engine, best of web

6 Social Media and Flipper
Section Integration To have the social media option display on a section in your website: Go to the section and click Administer Section Then click on the RSS/Social Media tab and check the box to display social media.  If you would like to turn social media on for all your existing pages, please contact us. On a page level you can turn on/off the social media function. Great for products, calendars, specific events, blogs, white papers, articles, etc.

7 Social Media and Flipper
Who is using it? Not all of them, but probably most and more will be soon. Your customers Your competitors

8 Social Media and Flipper
Why businesses should use social media The cost to enter and participate in the social space is minimal. You can boost corporate and executive thought leadership. Opportunities for providing customer service and feedback abound. You can dramatically increase traffic to your company website. You can better manage and monitor your brand. Why this feature is important to your business. Only cost is time. Engage customers – good and bad. They are talking about you anyway. Good time to intervene and assist. Find out what is specifically being said about you. Other tools are Google alerts, Twitter search, etc.

9 Social Media and Flipper
Why businesses should use social media (continued) Social media is a great place for (free!) competitive research. You can generate leads and better develop your business. Check out what the competition is doing. Build relationships. Most important!!! Establish yourself as an expert in your field. Take questions.

10 Social Media and Flipper
Facebook Stats People on Facebook More than 500 million active users 50% of active users log on in any given day Average user has 130 friends People spend over 700 billion minutes per month on FB Mobile More than 150 million active users accessing FB through mobile device Active users twice as active on mobile device than non-mobile

11 Social Media and Flipper
Facebook Stats Activity on Facebook 900 million objects that people interact with (pages, groups, events and community pages) Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month More than 30 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, photo albums, etc.) shared each month

12 Social Media and Flipper
Facebook Says… According to Facebook's terms of service, "Profiles represent individuals and must be held under an individual name, while Pages allow an organization, business, celebrity, or band to maintain a professional presence on Facebook." If your business' profile gets shut down by Facebook for violating this rule, your friends list will vanish with it. Be careful how you set up your Facebook page. Always use a real name profile to create a company page. Make top person admin. Social Media Wichita example.

13 Social Media and Flipper
Create Your Facebook Page To create a public profile you can visit the Facebook public profile advertising page and click on the “Create a Page” button. Next, you’ll be prompted with a form titled “Create New Facebook Page” as illustrated below. Select your category and enter the name of your business or public figure. Finally, you must confirm that you are authorized to create the page by entering your full name as it appears in your profile.

14 Social Media and Flipper
Edit Basic Information When you first arrive to your newly created public profile, there will be a link off to the right hand side which says “Edit Information”. Entering your information is important for search engine optimization (“SEO”) purposes as well as informing new visitors about your product, service, or yourself (if you are a public figure). Currently Facebook does not enable page administrators to remove this tab so I highly recommend that you take the time to fill it out with all the relevant information.

15 Social Media and Flipper
Start Inviting Friends! You and all your staff will begin adding friends by suggesting this page to your friends on Facebook.

16 Social Media and Flipper
“Facebook is for people you used to know; Twitter is for people you’d like to How many use have Twitter accounts? How many really use them? Lists, search monitor brand, engage customers.

17 Social Media and Flipper
50 11 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business 1) Build an account and immediate start using Twitter Search to listen for your name, your competitor’s names, words that relate to your space. (Listening always comes first.) 2) Talk to people about THEIR interests, too. I know this doesn’t sell more widgets, but it shows us you’re human. 3) Share links to neat things in your community. does this well). 4) Don’t get stuck in the apology loop. Be helpful instead. gives travel tips.) How to tweet.

18 Social Media and Flipper
50 11 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business (more) 5) Ask questions. Twitter is GREAT for getting opinions. 6) Follow interesting people. If you find someone who tweets interesting things, see who they follows, and follow them. 7) Tweet about other people’s stuff. Again, doesn’t directly impact your business, but makes us feel like you’re not “that guy.” 8) Share the human side of your company. If you’re bothering to tweet, it means you believe social media has value for human connections . What to Tweet?

19 Social Media and Flipper
50 11 Ideas on Using Twitter for Business (more) 9) When you DO talk about your stuff, make it useful. Give advice, blog posts, pictures, etc. 10) Don’t toot your own horn too much. 11) Or, if you do, try to balance it out by promoting the heck out of others, too. Via Other Ideas About WHAT to Tweet ?

20 Social Media and Flipper
What is foursquare? Foursquare is a mobile application that makes cities easier to use and more interesting to explore. It is a friend-finder, a social city guide and a game that challenges users to experience new things, and rewards them for doing so. Foursquare lets users "check in" to a place when they're there, tell friends where they are and track the history of where they've been and who they've been there with. Links to Twitter account and Facebook.

21 Social Media and Flipper
Foursquare Facts As of October 2010, foursquare had over 4 million users worldwide. Tens of thousands of venues are currently experimenting with Special Offers on foursquare. Notice “special nearby” in corner.

22 Social Media and Flipper
Foursquare tools for business Claim your venue Create specials Reward Mayors Sponsor badges or download app on smartphone. Create account, log-in and check in to your business. Then click on your venue on computer. Must contact Foursquare for badges and specials for approval.

23 Social Media and Flipper
Promoting your Specials in-store Promote involvement with foursquare via Twitter Signs at cash registers Sidewalk blackboards Be creative! Order window cling through website or print your own.

24 Social Media and Flipper
Real-time stats Most recent visitor Most frequent visitors Time of day people check in Total number of unique visitors Demographics of check-ins Portion of foursquare check-ins on Twitter and Facebook …and more coming soon! For high traffic venues this is great. Much like Google analytics.

25 Social Media and Flipper
What is LinkedIn? Manage the information that’s publicly available about you as professional. Find and be introduced to potential clients, service providers, and subject experts who come recommended. Create and collaborate on projects, gather data, share files and solve problems. Be found for business opportunities and find potential partners Gain new insights from discussions with likeminded professionals in private group settings. Facebook for businesses and execs. Headhunting and discussions. FlipperSiteDeveloper group.

26 Social Media and Flipper
Latest LinkedIn Facts LinkedIn has over 80 million members in over 200 countries. A new member joins LinkedIn approximately every second, and about half of our members are outside the U.S. Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are LinkedIn members. Info from LinkedIn site.

27 Social Media and Flipper
Connect!! Facebook – PenPub Jon, PenPub Roger, PenPub Kendra, Pen Publishing Interactive page, FlipperSiteDeveloper page LinkedIn – Jon Cressler, Roger Carvalho, Steve Pendergraft, Kendra Ulwelling, FlipperSiteDeveloper Group, Pen Publishing Interactive Company

28 Social Media and Flipper

29 Q & A Contact: Karla Goewert Roger Carvalho
Jon Cressler Kendra Ulwelling

30 Maximize Your Web site and Build Your Business

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