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Character Trait: Respect

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1 Character Trait: Respect
Based on pages of What Do You Stand For? For Teens: A Guide to Building Character by Barbara A. Lewis

2 “Even if someone doesn’t treat you with the respect you deserve, you can give them the respect they don’t.” -Sharon Martin

3 Sir Isaac Newton Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity and also discovered and described some laws of motion. One of his laws says “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” In other words, if you turn on a garden hose, the water will rush out (action) and the force of it will also push backward (reaction). If you don’t hold tightly to the hose, it will jump out of your hand.

4 Application You might apply Sir Isaac’s law to human behavior. If you push someone, you’ll probably get pushed back. Similarly, if you treat people politely – with respect that is sincere – they’ll treat you that way (most of the time). You’ll be a better friend and leader. You’ll impress your parents, teachers, and other adults, and they’ll be more likely to choose you for special experiences and rewards. And you’ll like yourself better. If feels good to be respectful, and it feels even better to be treated with respect.

5 With a Small Group… Brainstorm a list of the of the attributes a respectful person possess Be prepared to share out with the class! Respectful People… .

6 Sincere Respect Means Using good manners, being courteous and polite; speaking to others in kind voice; using polite body language Showing consideration toward other people (including your elders, parents, guardians, teachers, peers, siblings, other family members, employers, and people in authority honoring other people’s wants, needs, ideas, differences, beliefs, customs, and heritage

7 Sincere Respect Means caring for other living things and the earth (animal, plants, and the environment) obeying rules, laws, and customs of your family, faith, community and country

8 Activity Cards

9 On Your Own

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