Handel Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Handel Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Handel Revision

2 Learning Objectives To revise key features of Baroque music
To compare And the glory of the Lord with another chorus from Messiah To consider how to improve essay answers on the Handel

3 Baroque Music What musical features would you expect in a typical piece of Baroque music? Instrumentation Texture Melody Harmony Dynamics Mood

4 Baroque or Not? Piece 1 Piece 2 Instrumentation Texture Melody Harmony
Dynamics Mood Instrumentation Texture Melody Harmony Dynamics Mood

5 Key Words: Baroque Basso continuo Affection Terraced dynamics
Perfect and imperfect cadences Ornamentation

6 Compare and contrast Listen to the Hallelujah chorus from Messiah and compare and contrast it with And the glory of the Lord Instrumentation Texture Melody Harmony Dynamics Mood

Essay writing USE MUSICAL VOCABULARY Write a paragraph about one of the following features of the Handel: Melody Harmony Dynamics Texture Mood Instrumentation Swap your paragraph Using the mark scheme (page 23) tick any correct points Suggest two improvements Return paragraphs Suggest one more improvement for yourself

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