Are You Ready to be a 9th Grader?

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Presentation on theme: "Are You Ready to be a 9th Grader?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are You Ready to be a 9th Grader?
Sunset ridge middle school

2 Let’s talk graduation requirements
For an online worksheet Go to Under the Counseling Center Tab, hover over Credit Information. Click Graduation Requirements.

3 Regents’ Scholarship Info
Required Courses: 4 credits English 4 credits progressive Math 3.5 credits of Social Science 3 credits of lab-based science (only biology, chemistry, & physics count) 2 credits progressive World Language There are 2 different levels of awards you can earn (amounts can vary every school year). This year the Base award is a one time payment of $1,000. This year the Exemplary Academic Achievement Award is $1,250 per semester, renewable up to four semesters. For the most up to date information, please contact Regents or visit their website at the most current information.

4 Regents’ scholarship Base Award Requirements
Complete the required courses between grades 9-12. Earn a 3.0 GPA No grade lower than a C in the required courses. Submit an ACT score (residual ACT test scores do not count, and SAT scores not accepted). For the most up to date information, please contact Regents or visit their website at the most current information.

5 Regents’ scholarship exemplary Award
Complete the required courses between grades 9-12. Earn a 3.5 GPA No grade lower than a B in the required courses. Submit an ACT score of 26 or higher (residual ACT test scores do not count, and SAT scores not accepted). Students can renew this award for 4 semesters, 65 credits, or completion of a bachelors degree (whichever is shortest). They must maintain a 3.3 GPA and enroll in 15 credits each semester. $1,250 award – each semester (up to 4 semesters). For the most up to date information, please contact Regents or visit their website at the most current information.

6 Next year’s classes core classes
SRMS suggests the following core class tracks. Track 1: Language Arts 9, Earth Systems 9, & Geography 9 Track 2: Language Arts 9, Biology, & Geography 9 Track 3: Language Arts 9H, Earth Systems, & AP Human Geography Track 4: Language Arts 9H, Biology, & AP Human Geography You have the following options for your Math class for next year. Secondary Math 1 Secondary Math 1 Honors Secondary Math 2 Honors

7 Next year’s classes Honors & AP Class Requirements
Honors English Requirements are: 3.0 Cumulative GPA 1100 SRI score Cs or above in Language Arts classes in 8th grade Teacher recommendation (school will complete once you choose your classes) ***These requirements are also highly suggested for the AP Human Geography Course. Please note that your schedule may be changed based upon administrative decisions. Requirements for Honors Math Classes Math teacher recommendation. If you took Secondary Math1 Honors or Secondary Math 1 this year, you should take Secondary Math 2 Honors next year.

8 Next year’s classes Elective Classes
Students get 2.5 Elective credits next year. This could be any combination of full year and half year classes. Seminary does not count for any credit towards graduation requirements.

9 Next year’s classes To look at a planning template and see the available elective course options, follow these steps: Go to Under the Counseling Center Tab, hover over Credit Information. Click on Course Requests for School Year. Select the planning template for 9th grade. Course Descriptions are also available here. The google form to request classes will be available online, at the end of the session.

10 Be prepared For your information:
Not all classes will carry due to the number of requests and teacher schedules. You will rank your top 9 classes and we will build your schedule based on these rankings.

11 Choosing Classes Please discuss tonight’s information with your students and help them plan their schedule. Parents/Guardians and students need to go online and choose classes by February 24th. If you do not complete this form, your classes may be selected for you. Your student’s final schedule will be available about the middle of August, before school starts.

12 Questions or concerns? If you have questions and want to talk to a counselor, please contact the Counseling Office at or your counselor!

13 Further AP & Honors Information
Let’s turn it over to Mrs. Macey, Mr. Steele, & Mrs. Heckman!

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