Freud’s 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development

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1 Freud’s 5 Stages of Psychosexual Development

2 5 Stages of Development Oral Stage (birth - 1½ years)
stage in life where everything is centered around the mouth feeding and weaning babies get stimulation orally Freud believed if weaned too early or too late personality problems may develop


4 Examples: Too early Too late too dependent on others overeating
rejection of others self-starvation being very sarcastic

5 5 Stages of Development Anal Stage (1½ - 2½ years)
stage in life concentrated on toilet training if toilet training is too harsh or too lenient more personality problems


7 Examples Too harshly Too leniently
anal retentive - sticking very rigidly to rules and regulations obsessive neatness stubbornness Too leniently Anally lax - seems carefree or free of trouble and worry and care marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness

8 5 Stages of Development Phallic Stage (2½ - 5 or 6)
kids begin to identify and deal with emotions "Oedipus Complex" - Greek play about Oedipus who kills his father and marries his mother involves a desire for the opposite-sex parent and feelings of jealousy and hostile feelings for same-sex parent to deal with fear and guilt, the child takes on characteristics of same-sex parent

9 Examples unreasonable anxiety extreme guilt phobias depression

10 Latency Stage (6 - adolescence)
5 Stages of Development Latency Stage (6 - adolescence) nothing really happens everything is hidden

11 Genital Stage (adolescence - beyond)
5 Stages of Development Genital Stage (adolescence - beyond) people begin to seek out marriage partner and prepare for adult life old conflicts resurface

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