Welcome to the 5th Grade “Back to School Night” 2015

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1 Welcome to the 5th Grade “Back to School Night” 2015

2 UES Vision: …we will provide effective educational opportunities that are inclusive and challenging, stimulate critical thinking, and encourage risk-taking with a deep understanding of the curriculum. Contact Information: Front Office: Allie Watkins, Principal Liz Worch, Assistant Principal Diane Fike, Counselor Megan James, School Support Twitter: @UESHawksFCPS @UESReads

3 The reason that we are all here today is because of your children!
Their needs are my #1 priority.

4 Morning Routine Students arrive between 8:30 and 8:55 a.m. As a safety precaution, all children are to walk through the building to come out to the portables. If a student is tardy, they should sign in with the Administrative Secretary and go directly to their homeroom.

5 Absences Please plan appointments around instructional times so your child does not miss guided lessons and have to make up additional work. If your child is ill for several consecutive days, please send an or leave a message so any missed assignments can be collected and left for you in the office or sent home with a sibling. Teachers are not responsible for gathering assignments prior to a prolonged absence. We will try to make necessary accommodations. The students will be given a due date for all make up assignments.

6 General Schedule Review schedule attached in your Back to School Night Packet.

7 Agenda Planner Students are responsible for writing down their daily assignments in their agenda planner in the morning. Daily signatures will be required for students who consistently forget their homework. Our goal is to help them become more responsible and independent as they transition to Middle School. 

8 Grading Scale A Exemplary Performance towards meeting standards Consistently meets and/or exceeds curriculum standards and class requirements B Skilled Performance towards meeting standards Frequently meets and/or exceeds curriculum standards and class requirements C Satisfactory Performance towards meeting standards Generally meets curriculum standards and class requirements, though some curriculum standards and class requirements may remain as yet unmet D Minimally Acceptable Performance towards meeting standards Meets some curriculum standards and class requirements, though many curriculum standards and class requirements remain as yet unmet F Unacceptable Performance towards meeting standards Meets few, if any, curriculum standards and class requirements Interims are only issued for grades BELOW a C or if the student has dropped 2 or more letter grades

9 Report Card FCPS created a new report card a couple years ago. Each child receives an effort score as well as a grade for every subject. Comprehension (Reading) and Communication (Writing/Language) are both under the ELA category, but they have their own grades. In Math, there will be a grade for “Skills” and a grade for “Problem Solving.”

10 Homework Monday-Thursday students will receive between minutes of homework daily. Long-term projects and studying are not factored into allotted time. Students will not receive homework on Fridays or weekends unless they are making up work because of an absence.

11 Typical Nightly Homework
Math practice page Word Study (Spelling/Vocabulary) assignment Read for at least 15 minutes and completion of Reading Log. **Please reference handout** Studying for Word Study, Science, and/or History

12 Units of Instruction Locate the detailed outline of the units in your packet. FCPS will continue the Math Common Core curriculum and the ELA Common Core curriculum. The students will still be assessed using the PARCC assessment in the spring. 5th grade will still take the Science MSA in the spring. Your child will also take various benchmark assessments throughout the school year.

13 Communication Remind 101 Website: Email: Phone :
Phone :

14 Communication Mr. Kidd x62226 karl.kidd@fcps.org
If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us by calling the school at or us at the following addresses: Mr. Kidd x62226 Mrs. McLaurin x62186 Mrs. Phillips x62227 Ms. Durski x62228 Mr. Flitton x62194 Ms. Saenger x6222

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