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Growth of Renewable Energy in India

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Presentation on theme: "Growth of Renewable Energy in India"— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth of Renewable Energy in India
Dr.N.M Jothi Swaroopan  Professor/EEE RMK Engineering College , Chennai

2 Renewable Energy Source(RES)

3 Need Renewable Energy Power shortage Rising Prices of Oils & Gases
Ecological Hazards Ample resources and sites available Abundant sunshine Government incentive Reduced dependence on fossil fuel Control cost of generation Job creation

4 International Energy Agency - Analysis
Energy consumption set to triple by 2030 Set to become 3rd largest emitter of CO2 Power plants emit 0.94 kg CO2 per kWh

5 Total installed capacity of 263.66 GW RE capacity of 34.35 GW (13%)

6 RE in India: Status and Revised targets

7 Renewable Energy: Globally and India’s position

8 Wind energy across states

9 Tamilnadu Wind energy


11 Solar Energy across states

12 Tamilnadu Solar energy

13 Hydro Energy across states

14 Tamilnadu Hydro Projects

15 Biomass

16 Biomass

17 Geo Thermal First Geothermal Power Plant in India coming up at Chhattisgarh

18 Ocean Energy

19 Challenges: RE in India
Optimal pricing Quality and consistency Cost of technology development Project finance Rural electrification Integration

20 Wind power started years back and has been popular in coastal areas and south. The main limitation is location – there are vast areas where wind turbines cannot work. Mini hydro, similarly is limited location, even more than wind. Bio mass & waste co-generation have scale problems. New technologies are not yet commercialized Solar photovoltaic is possible almost in the entire country, but works only in daylight hours.

21 Areas RE Development Grid interactive Renewable Energy Generation systems Renewable Energy for Urban, Industrial and Commercial applications Renewable Energy for Rural applications, Irrigation, enterprises, cooking, lighting etc. Research, Design and Development in new Renewable energy generation and applications


23 Future growth -RE in India
Reduced Demand Supply Gap Large renewable energy potential Availability of New forms of capital Private equity Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) Increasing state level initiatives – States such as Punjab, Haryana, AP taking the lead in development of RE projects Funding for Institutions Funding for Start up Funding for Incubation

24 Tamilnadu Scheme Generation based Incentive (GBI) scheme
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) scheme NTPC’s Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Ltd., scheme Roof Top Photo Voltaic & Small Solar Generation Program scheme  

25 List of funding Agency University Grants Commission (UGC)
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Department of Science and Technology (DST) Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES) Ministry of Power, Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR)

26 PV SOLAR POWER SYSTEM consists of :
Photovoltaic Solar Panel Inverter (plus Charge Controller) System Control, Monitoring and Protection System Connection System to load and/or grid.

27 AC Power From Solar Stand Alone Solar Power Plant

28 Grid Interactive Systems

29 Hybrid Systems

30 Concentrated solar power










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