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Presentation on theme: "Reflection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection

2 Stewards By Joel Klooster Stewards – Is that what we are?
Of a world He created for us to enjoy. So complicated, so intricate, so unique, Electrons flowing, creating power, giving us light. But who gave us light In The Beginning? And why is it not enough. We want more, we need more; Our personal priorities paramount to His Creation. And so we dig deeper, ripping even wider scars across the earth. We burn more oil, and the smoke billows higher and higher. So we can have one more neon sign to light up our night, And one more lake killed by acid rain.

3 But do we not already have a light
To shine in the darkness? Or has our darkness become so deep That we can find no way out? And when will enough be enough? When there is no coal left beneath the mountains? When we can find no more oil below the sea? When the dams have all dried up? Will it be only then that we turn to the Son; Who gave us the sun and the wind, Who gave us all that we need, But which we refuse to use. Because the next ten minutes Are more important than the next hundred years. So the question remains: Are We Stewards?

4 May the resonant frequency of your being always be in tune to God's calling so that very aspect of your life experiences exponential growth. Keith McClymonds

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