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Energy & Resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy & Resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy & Resources

2 Fueling our energy needs
Our modern lifestyle requires electricity Fuel or other types of energy (light, kinetic, heat) is needed to generate electricity 85% of the energy used in the U.S. is generated by using fossil fuels

3 What we use energy for

4 How Fossil fuels are formed
1. Plants & animals collect in layers of mud in a shallow sea 2. Layer is buried, heated, pressurized (millions of years) 3. Rock is bent, oil is trapped with natural gas & oil above & water below

5 Petroleum (oil) is more than a fuel
Petroleum is used to make fertilizers, plastics, and even cosmetics

6 Problems with fossil fuels
Fossils fuels are non-renewable Burning creates CO2 ,a greenhouse gas Greenhouse gasses contribute to global warming

7 Non-renewable resources
Fossil fuels are running out The demand for energy is increasing as China, India, Russia and other countries grow their economies When it will be gone? That depends. Estimates: Petroleum yrs, natural gas yrs, coal 150 years

8 Renewable energy Renewable resources will not run out
Do not produce greenhouse gasses They all have pros and cons Solar Wind Geothermal Nuclear Tidal Hydroelectric Biofuel

9 Solar & Wind Wind: Using kinetic engergy
Pro: no greenhouse gasses Cons: wind does not blow all the time, turbines can kill birds Solar: uses light energy from the sun pros: will not run out Cons: Does not work at night, solar panels are not in many location (yet)

10 Hydro-electric Moving water turns turbines to generate electricity
Most rivers are already dammed Causes problems for fish, downstream habitats

11 Reducing energy waste If we use less we need less
Transportation: use public transit, more efficient cars Heating: insulation, turning down the thermostat Other: recycling, more efficient electronics, lights, & appliances Big picture: Fewer people = Less demand, Living simply = using less energy 157 mpg car

12 Review Is oil a renewable resource?
What do we use most of the engergy for? Name 2 types of renewable energy

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