Grade 12 Counselor Assignments

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Presentation on theme: "Grade 12 Counselor Assignments"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joseph A. Foran High School School Counseling Department Welcome To the College Application Process

2 Grade 12 Counselor Assignments
Meghan Basher A – B Jakob Rosengrant C-F Sheila Hughes G-L Jennifer Bier M-Q Susan Unger R - Z

3 Senior Month to Month Calendar

4 Testing Information Sheet for College Bound Students
SAT Reasoning Test SAT Subject Test ACT TOEFL AP Testing

5 NCAA and Test Score Submission
Students are responsible for submitting their own SAT and ACT scores to the NCAA Eligibility Center. Students should list the NCAA Eligibility Center as a score recipient at the time of exam registration. Use “9999” to select it. Only official test scores from the testing agency are acceptable.

6 Early Decision/Early Action
Binding If accepted, you will attend this school Withdraw any other applications submitted Early Action Non-binding Do not need to withdraw other applications and can apply to other schools if desired

7 College Admissions

8 A Quick Guide To The College Selection Process
Self – Assessment Evaluate Prospective Schools Review, Evaluate, and Narrow your List Begin College Application Process

9 SAVE THE DATE! COLLEGE FAIR! Tuesday, October 10, 2017 6-8 PM
Sacred Heart University William H. Pitt Health & Recreation Center A complete list of attending schools is available in the college and career center

10 Naviance What is It?
Web-based resource that supports course, career, and college planning Specific to our school Linked with Counselor’s Office, a service that we use in the counseling office Electronic submission of Common Application and supporting materials including transcript

11 Naviance How Does it Help?
Shared resource linking home to school On-line tool for collaboration among counselors, students, and parents Accurate, complete records about student choices from our school Realistic assessments on your chances of admission at colleges where prior graduates have applied

12 Naviance College Visit Schedule

13 The College Application Process
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES COUNSELING DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBILITES  Request teacher letters of recommendation  Complete FERPA form  Complete college application(s)  Submit confirmation pages or paper applications,  with  payment, adhering to the school counseling  deadlines  Submit SAT and/or ACT scores to college and  NCAA (if  needed)  Check Naviance to verify that materials have been  submitted to college.  Contact colleges with questions regarding the  status  of the application  Send thank-you notes to teachers who provided letters  of recommendation.   Answer questions students have while completing  college applications.  Send transcripts and supporting documents to the  colleges students have provided confirmation  pages  for.  Provide updated grade reports, including 1st  quarter,  mid-year and 3rd quarter grades for  colleges that  request information.  Mail final transcript to school the student indicates  will  be attending on their senior survey (usually in  early  July).  

14 Online Submission of Applications
Select colleges in Naviance Complete FERPA hardcopy (blue form), on Common Application, and Naviance Complete application (supplements if applicable) Submit essay and resume Submit payment Print and give to counselor CONFIRMATION PAGE Teacher uploads recommendation and the Common Application Teacher Checklist

15 The Common Application

16 All Applications must be submitted to the School Counseling Office together AT LEAST 15 WORKING DAYS prior to the date the application is due at the college

17 Dates to Remember Application Due In School Counseling Office By November 1, 2017 October 11, 2017 November 15, 2017 October 25, 2017 December 1, 2017 November 3, 2017 December 15, 2017 November 17, 2017 January 1, 2018 December 1, 2017 January 15, 2018 December 18, 2017

18 Friday, December 1, 2017 If you want your applications to go out
before the Holiday Recess, they must be in the Counselor’s Office by: Friday, December 1, 2017

19 Financial Aid CSS Profile
Check to see if colleges to which you plan to apply are on the list FAFSA Cannot be filed until October 1, 2017

20 Good Luck!!!

21 Please Welcome! Ms. Carli Matrisian Sacred Heart University
Mr. Carlton Lee Western Connecticut State University

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