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Age of Emperors.

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1 Age of Emperors


3 Early History 300BC Settlers arrive from Asia Native religion – Shinto
Mainly farmers Grew rice, Japan’s most important crop Country divided into many clans Native religion – Shinto gods and spirits found in all natural objects Thousands of shrines throughout Japan

4 Japan’s Imperial Family
Between AD one clan emerged as the strongest Yamato Clan Claimed to be decedents of the Sun Goddess Prince Shotoku gains popularity and unites Japan (593) admired Chinese and Korean societies Wealthy Japanese traveled to China to learn about literature, art and philosophy

5 Prince Shotoku Prince Shotoku wanted government officials chosen based on ability as in China Created a constitution Based on Confucian and Buddhist ideas Wanted to create a strong emperor Used Buddhism to weaken clan leaders Sent officials to China to study Chinese ways

6 Cultural Diffusion Cultural Diffusion: The Spread of cultural ideas from one culture to another.

7 Chinese Ideas Ancient Japanese was only a spoken language
Overtime Japan adopted Chinese characters to their own language Japan now has three alphabets – Kanji, Katakana, Hiragana Japanese kanji look the same as Chinese characters but they are said differently Japanese poetry is also modeled after the style of Chinese literature.

8 Korean Influences Japan’s original religion was Shinto – based on respect for nature and worshiping nature spirits Buddhism started in India, spread (diffused) to China and then spread again to Korea. A Korean king sent a Japanese emperor a statue of the Buddha along with monks, prayer books and gongs Emperor adopted the religion Shinto and Buddhism blended together into a unique combination in Japan

9 Art – Korea and China New techniques and ideas for subjects
These ideas originated from India Carvings of the Buddha moved from India to China, then Korea and from there reached Japan Temple designs originated in India and moved east to Japan China had bell shaped roofs – Japan adopted this into the pagoda Shinto shrines began to build structures like Buddhist temples

10 China Korea Japan

11 China Japan

12 Music Japan imported music from Asia, mostly from China
Original music in Japan was in the form of chants and prayers Gagaku – Chinese court music that arrived in Japan in the 6th century New kinds of music required new instruments

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