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Authors in World History

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1 Authors in World History

2 Who wrote the Koran?

3 Muhammad the Prophet

4 What religion did Muhammad found?

5 Islam

6 Name the Renaissance writer best known for writing sonnets.

7 Northern Renaissance: England
Shakespeare Northern Renaissance: England

8 What is a sonnet?

9 very popular in the Renaissance
A 14 line poem -- very popular in the Renaissance

10 Who wrote the Renaissance book In Praise of Folly?

11 Erasmus

12 Why did Erasmus write In Praise of folly?

13 It criticized abuses in the Catholic Church
Erasmus harassed the Catholic Church A “folly” is a mistake

14 Church door in Wittenburg
Who wrote the 95 Theses? Church door in Wittenburg

15 Luther lived in the northern German states of the Holy Roman Empire
Martin Luther Luther lived in the northern German states of the Holy Roman Empire

16 Why did Martin Luther write the 95 Theses?

17 A list of 95 statements criticizing the Catholic Church
The church door where Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses in Wittenburg, Germany

18 Name three of the most famous plays Shakespeare wrote.

19 Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet

20 Who wrote Don Quixote?

21 Cervantes Cervantes was from Spain

22 What was Don Quixote about?

23 It was a story about an idiotic knight--the book made fun of knights and the middle ages

24 What was significant about Don Quixote?

25 (fiction-- not a true story)
It was the first novel (fiction-- not a true story)

26 What Age of Enlightenment book did Thomas Hobbes write?

27 A Leviathan is a huge “sea monster”

28 What did Hobbes argue was the best form of government in Leviathan?

29 absolutism The Leviathan, or sea monster, represents the all powerful government Hobbes believed exist to avoid chaos Hobbes absolute ruler

30 Who wrote the Two Treatises of Government?
The mystery author!

31 John Locke

32 A. What did Locke argue was the best form of Government?
B. Why?

33 A. democracy B. Locke believed in democracy because he argued the people were SOVEREIGN--the people have ultimate power

34 What three rights did Locke say the Government MUST protect?

35 Life, liberty, and property

36 What affects did John Locke have on the United States?

37 He influenced the Declaration of Independence.
“among these rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”

38 Who wrote The Spirit of Laws?
Who is this author?

39 Montesquieu was from France
Baron de Montesquieu Montesquieu was from France

40 What idea about the structure of government did Montesquieu express in Spirit?

41 “separation of powers” --3 branches of government

42 Why did Montesquieu advocate “separation of powers”?

43 In order to avoid one person gaining all the power

44 If Montesqueiu is AGAINST absolutism, then which thinker does he disagree with?

45 A Leviathan: The absolute government
Thomas Hobbes A Leviathan: The absolute government

46 What affect did Montesquieu have on the United States?

47 Montesquieu influenced the U.S. Constitution
The Constitution sets up three branches of Government, just as Montesquieu recommended.

48 What was Voltaire famous for saying?

49 “I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it”

50 What does this quote defend?

51 Freedom of speech and religion

52 Who wrote the Social Contract?

53 Jean-Jacques Rousseau

54 What does Rousseau say about “The Social (or society’s) Contract?”

55 It is a contract between the people and their rulers

56 What does Rousseau say should happen if this contract is broken by the rulers?

57 The people should rebel!
The Storming of Bastille Liberty leading the People by Delacroix

58 List the Five Enlightenment writers/thinkers

59 1. Thomas Hobbes 2. John Locke 3. Baron de Montesquieu 4. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 5. Voltaire

60 Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Which Enlightenment thinker influenced it the most?

61 Thomas Jefferson John Locke

62 Who wrote the Wealth of Nations?

63 Adam Smith

64 What did the Wealth of Nations defend?

65 It defended capitalism--freedom to buy and sell as you please
Smith said this created wealth even though no one controls it.

66 What did Karl Marx Write?
Who helped him write it?

67 Communist Manifesto Frederick Engels

68 What new ideas did Marx introduce in the Communist Manifesto?

69 Communism and Socialism

70 What did communism and socialism attempt to correct?

71 Correct the bad conditions and unequal incomes of the Industrial Revolution

72 Describe a communist society

73 Equal wages for all workers; common property--no right to own property!
Equal wages in all jobs Common farms Soviet Harvest

74 What two groups did Marx say are always in conflict?

75 The Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie A proletariat ready to revolt

76 Who are the Proletariat? Who are the Bourgeoisie?

77 The Bourgeoisie are the middle class owners and managers
The Proletariat are the workers (factories, mines) The Bourgeoisie are the middle class owners and managers

78 What did Marx predict would happen between the Proletariat and Bourgeoisie?

79 The Proletariat would revolt, overthrow the Bourgeoisie, take control of the factories, and create communism

80 Given Marx’s belief in communism, who would have been the person MOST opposite of Marx?

81 Adam Smith He defended capitalism, which Karl Marx said caused bad conditions and unequal wages for the Proletariat

82 What book did Adolf Hiter write?

83 Hitler laid out his plan for Germany and his hatred of Jews
Mein Kampf “My Struggle” Hitler laid out his plan for Germany and his hatred of Jews

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