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Monday Bell Ringer (ODD)

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Bell Ringer (ODD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday Bell Ringer (ODD)
Finish the prompt. Ten things I want to do in my lifetime… *Read a book when finished. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Take out your reading composition journal and complete the bell ringer. Remember to draw a line and add it to your last bell ringer or add it to your table of contents if starting a new page.

2 Should pit bulls be kept as pets?
-Use your writing folder and performance assessment book to help you. Finish your rough draft! ThinkCERCA: -Summarizing Lesson -Extended Learning (2nd/8th period) -Yes to Uniforms (6th period)

3 Revise VLT 7th period 1. Revise your VLT. This will be a formative grade. If pg. 16 & 17 in your performance assessment book and both reading logs are complete then… 1. ThinkCERCA: -Summarizing Lesson and quiz. If you score less than a 70% let me know. 2. (Finish diagnostic then complete practice.)

4 Argumentative/Opinion Writing
-Nearpod lesson Counterargument Starters… While it might be true that...still all in all…. A common argument against this position is….but… It may be true…however… While some researchers say…nevertheless… It’s easy to think…but when you look at the facts… It is often thought… Critics argue that… *Counterarguments have their own paragraph before the conclusion or go with the conclusion.

5 Performance Assessment Book pg. 18 Should pit bulls be kept as pets?
Review organization of argumentative writing/chicken foot. -Begin planning on pg. 18. Use the organizer in the book or create a chicken foot on loose leaf paper. Write rough draft: Should pit bulls be kept as pets? -Use your writing folder and performance assessment book to help guide your writing. This will be a summative grade. The draft will be due Monday by the end of class.

6 Tuesday Bell Ringer (EVEN)
Quote of the Week “You are never strong enough that you don’t need help.” – Cesar Chavez In your reading composition journal… Answer the following questions about the quote of the week: 1. What does it mean? 2. Why do you think the person said it? 3. How can you apply this quote to your own life? 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Take out your reading composition journal and complete the bell ringer. Remember to draw a line and add it to your last bell ringer or add it to your table of contents if starting a new page.

7 Grading with the FSA rubric/Revisions
#1 Purpose, focus, and organization. #2 Evidence and Elaboration #3 Conventions #4 strengths/target areas #5 self-grade using rubric and make revisions to improve score *If someone is absent from the group then one person will do conventions/strengths/target areas. Each person must use their own color. Write your names by the section you graded.

8 Performance Assessment Book pg. 18 Should pit bulls be kept as pets?
Review organization of argumentative writing/chicken foot. -Begin planning on pg. 18. Use the organizer in the book or create a chicken foot on loose leaf paper. Write rough draft: Should pit bulls be kept as pets? -Use your writing folder and performance assessment book to help guide your writing. This will be a summative grade. The draft will be due Monday by the end of class.

9 Wednesday Bell Ringer (ODD-FULL DAY)
Write a claim about the following topic in your reading journal. Write a precise claim with 3 reasons to support your claim. Topic: Cell-phone use in school. *Read a book when finished. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Begin the bell ringer in your READING composition journal if your work is complete. Draw a line under the last prompt and add this to the same page. If you have to start a new page, add it to the table of contents.

10 Wild Animals Aren’t Pets pg. 223
-Identify the claim -Identify the reasons to support the claim -Find examples/evidence to support the reasons -Identify the counterargument

11 Let People Own Exotic Animals pg. 227
-Identify the claim -Identify the reasons to support the claim -Find examples/evidence to support the reasons -Identify the counterargument

12 Thursday Bell Ringer (EVEN)
Finish the prompt. Write whatever comes to your mind. Friendship is… *Read a book when finished. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Take out your reading composition journal and complete the bell ringer. Remember to draw a line and add it to your last bell ringer or add it to your table of contents if starting a new page.

13 Comparing Two Texts pg.220 1. On pg. 220 complete #1-4 using both texts from pg. 223 and 227 2. Complete the vocabulary on page 231 3. Finish revising your essay for a final grade.

14 Friday Bell Ringer (regular day)
Finish the prompt. Write whatever comes to your mind. Let me tell you about… *Read a book when finished. 1. Have a pencil ready for the day. 2. Take out your reading composition journal and complete the bell ringer. Remember to draw a line and add it to your last bell ringer or add it to your table of contents if starting a new page.

15 Wild Animals Aren’t Pets/Let People Own Exotic Animals Test
Open book for comprehension questions and written responses. Book must be closed for vocabulary questions. Written responses: Restate the question! This shows you understand what is being asked. Answer the question. Share your knowledge of the topic. Prove you are right. Include 2 or more details from the text.

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