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Evaluating your Health-related Fitness

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1 Evaluating your Health-related Fitness
Chapter Four Evaluating your Health-related Fitness

2 Cardiorespiratory Fitness
The ability of the circulatory (heart, blood, blood vessels) and respiratory system to supply oxygen during physical activity.

3 Muscular Strength The ability of the muscle to generate the maximum amount of force for a single contraction.

4 Muscular Endurance The ability of the muscle to perform repetitive contractions over a prolonged period of time.

5 Flexibility The ability to move a joint through the full range of motion without discomfort or pain.

6 Body Composition The relative amount of body weight that is fat weight and lean body weight (tissue, bone, and muscle).

7 Why you need to know your current fitness level...
To learn your physical condition To gain information to help you set goals To collect beginning data and follow up data To become motivated to establish achievable fitness goals

8 Determining your Fitness Level
Height/weight Resting heart rate Cardiorespiratory tests: the Pacer test, distance runs, walking tests Flexibility tests: back saver sit and reach, shoulder stretch test

9 Determining your Fitness Level
Muscular Strength & Endurance Tests: curl-up test, pull-up test, flexed arm hang test, push-up test, trunk lift test Body Composition Tests: body fat evaluation, body mass index, waist circumference

10 Interpreting your Test Results
Use criterion-referenced standards: Standards to help prevent health problems now and later in life. This is more important than comparing your test scores with other students’ scores.

11 Strive to achieve your personal best!
Establish your personal fitness profile Set realistic goals for improvement Return to Chapter Menu

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