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2 nutrition A basic component of health and is essential for normal growth and development, tissue maintenance and repair, cellular metabolism, and organ function. The giving or taking of food is part of ceremonies, celebrations, religious events, mourning, and social events.

3 Healthy people 2020 Increase proportion of adults who have a BMI Reduce proportion of obese adults and children Decrease saturated fat intake in population >2yrs old Increase variety of fruits and veg in population >2 Reduce sodium intake Increase work-site nutrition education and weight management Offer nutrition assessment at primary care sites Increase schools that offer nutritious food and beverages outside of school meals Increase food security to 94% of households

4 Nutritional balance When energy requirements are met by kcal intake of food, weight does not change BMR- energy needed to maintain life-sustaining activities at rest Nutrient density Proteins, carbohydrates, fats Vitamins, minerals, water

5 proteins 4 kcal/gram Essential for synthesis of tissue in growth, maintenance, repair Ingestion maintains nitrogen balance positive nitrogen balance needed for growth, wound healing, maintaining lean muscle mass, pregnancy Becomes energy source when insufficient carb intake Excess intake is stored in muscle mass

6 carbohydrates Main source of fuel for brain, skeletal muscles during exercise, RBC and WBC production, cell function of the renal medulla Mostly plant based (ex lactose) Insolulble fiber , a polysaccharide, is not digestible 4Kcal/gram

7 fats 9 kcal/g Most calorie dense nutrient
Deficiency occurs when fat intake is below 10% of daily nutrition

8 Water is most essential nutrient
Water is most essential nutrient. Balance occurs when intake from liquids and water-containing solids equals loss from elimination, perspiration, respiration Vitamins essential to normal metabolism. Antioxidants include betacarotene and vits A,C, E Minerals are inorganic elements, catalysts in biochemical reactions. Assist in acid/base balance. Selenium is a antioxidant

9 Cultural Aspects of Food


11 25 year old man needs about 60 g protein a day

12 25 year old man needs about 90 mg Vit C a day

13 25 year old man needs about 4.7 grams Potassium a day

14 25 year old man should have 1.5-2.3 g sodium per day

15 Assessing for signs of poor nutrition
Weight, BMI, muscle tone Fatigue, dry skin, hair loss, pale conjunctiva Apathy, confusion, cachetic Obese Constipation or diarrhea Spongy or bleeding gums Poorly healing wounds

16 Poor nutrition may be secondary to
Swallow difficulties Deficient knowledge Oral trauma or tooth problems Financial difficulties Self care deficit Increased nutritional need in illness, burns, pregnancy Psychological condition Social setting

17 Special Diet Orders Gluten free (for celiac disease)
Low residue (for diverticulitis) Carb consistent (for DM) Low fat, low sodium (“heart healthy”) Bland, no caffeine (for peptic ulcers) Soft Mechanical altered Pureed Thickened liquids Fluid restrictions

18 Enteral Nutrition Provides nutrition into the GI tract
Used if pt unable to swallow or for some other reason unable to take PO, yet has functioning GI tract Nasogastric, jejunal, or gastric Verification by Xray before use May give total (complete) or partial (single or elemental nutrient) nutrition Formulas usually milk based

19 Indications for Use N-G pts with low risk of gastric reflux./Difficulty chewing or swallowing/ A. nervosa/ short term use Gastric (PEG or Gtube) pts with oral or facial trauma/head or neck CA/esophageal adhesions/long term use N-I pts with gastric ileus or reflux (keo or duo tube)/short term/delayed gastric emptying J-tube pts without a stomach, with colitis or fistulas, decreased LOC/ lying flat

20 Placement Check Withdraw small amt GI aspirate, preferably before feedings Check a drop on pH paper pH 1-4 normal for stomach. pH 6 or greater in intestine pH 6 or greater MAY MEAN lungs, intestine or stomach full of food. Xray verification when in doubt Surgically placed and fixed feeding tubes are considered to have “reliable” placement Use good nursing judgment when in doubt

21 Parenteral Nutrition TPN or PPN For pts with non-functioning GI tracts
Amino acids, dextrose, electrolytes, vitamins lipids

22 Parenteral Nutrition TPN must use central line Filter tubing
Extra nutrition for burns, sepsis, head injury or other states of high stress GI nutrition is always preferred Unused gut—bacteria travel into blood stream Vit K synthesized by microflora in normal gut Sudden discontinuation may cause hypoglycemia

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