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Presentation on theme: "THE NEW IMPERIALISM."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Industrial Revolution increased European desire to procure raw materials. Europeans began to explore and conquer Africa, Asia and the Americas

3 Terms Colony – a territory controlled by an outside nation
Mother Country – The nation controlling the colony Imperialism – When a stronger nation controls a weaker nation (usually to obtain wealth)

4 British Empire

5 Terms Protectorate – a form of control where local rule was left in place but expected to accept the advice of European advisors on trade or other important issues Sphere of Influence – A form of control in which an outside power claims exclusive investment and trading privileges


7 Reasons European nations set up colonies
Economic Reasons Colonies were also markets for goods produced in European factories. The mother country would drain the colony of natural resources make finished products and sell them back to the colony. Why?

8 ANSWER To increase the mother country’s national wealth

9 Reasons European nations set up colonies
Economic Reasons This entire process is called mercantilism. The national economic goal is to export more than import so the mother country will have a favorable balance of trade

10 Reasons European nations set up colonies
Political Reasons National Strength The mother country realized that it was a matter of national security and interest to protect their trade routes and colonies. Without political control over the territories they could not protect their economic interest.

11 Reasons European nations set up colonies
Justification for Expansion Religious Reasons Europeans felt it was their duty to spread their religion (Christianity) and other “benefits” of Western Civilization. This thought that their religion and culture was superior to native peoples is called ethnocentrism

12 “When you first came you had the Bible and we had the land, Now we have the Bible and you have the land”

13 Native peoples tried to resist
European Advantages Superior military technology Diseases impacted local populations Native peoples tried to resist but could not stop European imperialism

14 Effects of European Imperialism
Introduced European legal system Set up government that reflected European traditions Introduce a money economy (no longer barter)

15 Effects of European Imperialism
Improved transportation and communication systems Why? To get natural resources. This encouraged workers to travel far from their families and… Disrupted traditional family life Introduced European education system and taught European history ignoring traditional contributions and achievements

16 “if you woke up one morning and found that somebody had come to your house, and had declared that the house belonged to him, you would naturally be surprised and you would like to know by what arrangement” Jomo Kenyatta



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