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The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 1780s for several reasons; Improved farming methods increased the food supply Increased food supplies drove food prices down Families had more money for manufactured goods The increased food supply created population growth The Dawn of the Industrial Revolution 2:23

Britain had a ready supply of capital-money to invest- for industrial machines and factories Wealthy entrepreneurs were looking for ways to invest and make profits. Britain also had abundant natural resources and a supply of markets, because of its colonial empire.

4 COTTAGE INDUSTRY In the 18th century Great Britain had surged ahead in the production of cotton goods. The 2-step process of spinning and weaving had been done by individuals in their homes, a production method called cottage industry. Textile Manufacturing before the Industrial Revolution 1:28

5 FACTORY WORK A series of inventions-the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, and the water powered loom invented by Edmund Cartwright in 1787-made both weaving and spinning faster. The cottage industry was no longer efficient. It was more efficient to bring workers to the new machines in factories. Factory Work 2:43

6 STEAM ENGINE James Watt improved the steam engine in 1782 so it could drive machinery. Steam power was used to spin and weave cotton. The new steam engines used coal, so mills no longer had to be located next to water. Steam powered cotton mills sprang up all over Britain. The Steam Engine 1:10

7 COAL The steam engine drove Britain’s Industrial Revolution, and it ran on coal. This lead to the coal industry expanding on what seemed like an unlimited supply. Coal also transformed the iron industry. Coal and Iron 1:02

8 IRON Iron had been made in England since the Middle Ages.
Using the process developed by Henry Cort called puddling, industry produced a better quality of iron. Cort’s process quadrupled production and by 1852 Britain was producing almost 3 million tons of iron annually.

9 TRAINS Since they were an efficient way to move resources and goods, railroads were crucial to the Industrial Revolution. The first train, called the Rocket, went only 16 mph, but 50 years later, trains were going 50 mph, an incredible speed for its time.

Building railroads was a new job for farm laborers and peasants. The less expensive transportation lowered the price of goods and made for larger markets. More sails meant more demand, which meant more factories and machines. The endless cycle of economic growth was a basic feature of the Industrial Revolution The Growth of Railroads2:13

11 THE FACTORY & LABOR The factory was another important aspect of the Industrial Revolution because it created a new kind of labor system. To keep the machines going constantly, workers had to work in shifts. Factory owners trained the rural laborers to work the same hours each day and do repetitive work. Machines and Factories 4:21


13 INDUSTRIALIZATION Britain became the world’s greatest industrial nation. It produced ½ of the world’s cotton goods and coal. The Industrial Revolution spread to other parts of the world at different speeds.

Belgium, France, and Germany were the 1st to industrialize, principally because their governments built infrastructure such as canals and railroads. The Industrial Revolution hit the U.S. in late 1800s. 6 out of 7 American workers were farmers in 1800 but by 1860, the number was only 1 out of every 2. The Industrial Revolution comes to America 1:45

15 U.S. DEVELOPMENT In the U.S. from the population grew from 5 million to 30 million. It was during this period of time that American cities in the New England States experienced economic growth. New England’s Industrial Revolution 00:58

16 U.S.STEAMBOATS The large U.S. needs a transportation system, and miles of roads and canals were built. Robert Fulton built the 1st paddle-wheel steamboat, the Clermont, in 1807. By 1860, thousands of these boats were on rivers, lakes and even the ocean.

17 U.S. RAILROADS The railroad was the most important transportation development. America had fewer than 100 miles of trace in 1830, but by 1860 it had 30,000. The railroad turned the U.S. into a massive market. Railroads 2:45

18 U.S. LABOR Labor for the growing factories came from the farm population. Many of the new factory workers were women and girls, who made up a substantial majority of the workers in textile factories. Factory owners sometimes had whole families work for them.


20 CHANGING SOCIETY The Industrial Revolution spurred the growth of cities, and crated 2 new social classes The industrial middle class, and The working class

21 EUROPE’S POPULATION Europe’s population nearly doubled between 1750 and 1850 to 266 million. The chief reason was a decline in death from disease. The increased food supply fed the people better, and famine large disappeared from western Europe. The Irish potato famine was an exception, occurring in the 1840s, where nearly 1 million people died in Ireland. The Irish Potato Famine: The Great Hunger 3:21

Cities were the home to many industries. People moved into the country to find work, using the new railroads for transport. London’s population increased from about 1 million in 1800 to about 2,500,000 in 1850. 9 British cities had populations over 100,000 in 1850.

Many inhabitants of these rapidly growing cities lived in miserable conditions. The conditions prompted urban social reformers to call for cleaning up the cities, a call which would be heard again in the 2nd half of the 19th century.

The Industrial Revolution replaced the commercial capitalism of the Middle Ages with industrial capitalism- an economic system based on industrial production.

Industrial capitalists were the entrepreneurs of the industrial middle class who built the factories, bought the machines, and figured out where the markets were. Their characteristics were initiative, vision, ambition and money making.

Industrial workers faced horrible working conditions with hours ranging from hours a day, 6 days a week. No one had security on the job, and there was no minimum wage. The hot temperatures in the cotton mills were especially harmful

27 WOMEN & CHILDREN In Britain, women and children made up 2/3rds of the cotton industry’s workforce. The Factory Act of 1833 set 9 as the minimum age to work. Children from ages 9-13 could work only 9 hours a day; those between ages could work only 12 hours. Poor Factory Conditions 1:47

28 WOMEN IN THE WORKFORCE Women took more and more of the textile industry jobs. They were unskilled and were paid ½ or less than men. Excessive working hours for women were outlawed in 1844. The laws restricting industrial work for women and children led to a new pattern of work.

29 FAMILY Married men were now expected to support the family, and married women were to take care of the home and perform low-paying jobs in the home, such as taking in laundry, to help the family survive.

30 SOCIALISM The deplorable working conditions for workers in the Industrial revolution led to a movement called socialism. Under socialism, society, usually government, owns and controls some means of production—such as factories and utilities.

31 UTOPIAN SOCIALISTS Early socialism was largely the idea of intellectuals who believed in the equality of all people and who wanted to replace competition with cooperation. Later socialists like Karl Marx thought these ideas were not practical and called those who believed them Utopian socialists.


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