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SFRB Information Session FY18 Funding

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Presentation on theme: "SFRB Information Session FY18 Funding"— Presentation transcript:

1 SFRB Information Session FY18 Funding
Student Fee Review Board SFRB Information Session FY18 Funding Monday, August 1st Lobo A & B Student Union Building University of New Mexico

2 Student Fee Review Board
AGENDA - Introduction to the Board Timeline FY18 Funding/voting Application Changes Policy Updates Unit Eligibility Funding Considerations Potential Outcomes Presenting Your Budget Communication

3 Student Fee Review Board
ASUNM Members VOTING Kyle Biederwolf(ASUNM President, SFRB Chair) Delia Brennan (ASUNM Chief of Staff) Sarah Moore (ASUNM Senator) Noah Brooks Sab Moore NON-VOTING Andrew Pierce SFRB: FY 18 FY 17, 18

4 Student Fee Review Board
GPSA Members VOTING Glenda Lewis (GPSA President, SFRB Vice Chair) Bich Hanh Thi Nguyen NON-VOTING Kelly Johnson Mark Narvaez SFRB: FY 18

5 Student Fee Review Board
Timeline APPLICATION OPEN Wednesday, July 20, ( APPLICATION WORKSHOPS (RECOMMENDED FOR APPLICANTS) Monday, August 1st - Lobo A&B 2:00pm

6 Student Fee Review Board
Timeline APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, September 9, pm, ASUNM Office HEARINGS Saturday, September 17, 2016, 9 am – 5 pm Sunday, September 18, 2016, 9 am – 5 pm Saturday, September 24, 2016, 12 pm – 5 pm

7 Student Fee Review Board
Timeline STUDENT FORUMS Tuesday, October 18th, 2016, 11 am – 1 pm, SUB Atrium Wednesday, October 19th, 2016, 11 am – 1 pm, SUB Atrium DELIBERATIONS Saturday, October 22th, 2015, 9 am – 5 pm Sunday, October 23th, pm – 7 pm

8 Student Fee Review Board

9 Student Fee Review Board
FY18 Funding Funding based on revenue (Total $ Amount) Organizations will receive set amount Funding will not Increase/Decrease with enrollment Student Representation Voting Members: 5 (Undergraduate), 2 (Graduate) Non-Voting: 1 (Undergraduate), 2 (Graduate) Vote of Approval Supermajority: 6 of 7

10 FY18 Application Changes
Student Fee Review Board FY18 Application Changes Questions combined Answers to questions limited to 10 pages Supplementary material: Provided electronically Brought to budget hearing - Budget Form A All applications are posted to the SFRB website (including prior applications)

11 FY18 Application Changes
Student Fee Review Board FY18 Application Changes Budget Form A

12 FY18 Application Changes
Student Fee Review Board FY18 Application Changes Budget Form B only for one-time funding Budget Form C only for outside funding details

13 Executive Summary Student Fee Review Board What it is?
No longer than one (1) page Introduces your application Captures the most important information from your application Why we want it? Provides the SFRB with a guide to reading your full application Improves transparency to students and other constituents who may review SFRB materials Examples of Executive Summary are available on the SFRB website

14 Student Fee Review Board
FY18 Policy Updates (No policy updates)

15 Student Fee Review Board
Unit Eligibility ELIGIBLE UNM non-academic departments (programs, organizations, and/or resources centers) INELIGIBLE Chartered student organizations that submit appropriation application (ASUNM Senate or GPSA Council) Organizations independent of UNM

16 SFRB Funding Considerations
Student Fee Review Board SFRB Funding Considerations Impact on Students: - Potential benefits the entire UNM campus - Applicability to student fees - Advancement of student learning - Unique need on campus Funding Availability: - Justification of funding increase/decrease External funding sources Use of reserves

17 Potential Funding Outcome
Student Fee Review Board Potential Funding Outcome SFRB provides recommendations to the BLT & UNM Regents There is no guarantee of funding The SFRB may direct programs to more appropriate funding sources The SFRB must consider access and affordability of education in its recommendations

18 Budget Spreadsheets – Form A
Student Fee Review Board Budget Spreadsheets – Form A Provide a list of 2015 – 2016 year’s funding Column A – Total operating budget

19 Student Fee Review Board
Provide details of current year’s funding Column B – Total Budget Column C – SFRB Budget

20 Student Fee Review Board
Provide anticipated FY 18 budget Column D – Total Budget Column E – SFRB Request Column F – SFRB Increase/Decrease from FY 17 (F = E – C)

21 Budget Spreadsheets - Form B/C
Student Fee Review Board Budget Spreadsheets - Form B/C Form B: One-time Funding If you are requesting one time funding you must fill out Form B Form C: External Funding If you receive external funding you must fill out Form C Any funding other than student fees

22 Presenting Your Budget
Student Fee Review Board Presenting Your Budget Hearing Format: 15 minute Presentation 15 minute* Q&A Provide a brief overview of organization Provide an overview of FY 18 programs/funding Specify which items will be funded by SFRB Highlight New/Additional programs Include all funding sources (Form C) (eg: Instruction & General, grants, department funding, state/federal funding, etc.) *Units requesting over $350,000 will be given 30 minute for question & answer

23 Communicating with the SFRB
Student Fee Review Board Communicating with the SFRB Website: ASUNM President Kyle Biederwolf, SFRB Chair Student Union Building, 1016 (505) GPSA President Glenda Lewis, SFRB Vice-Chair Student Union Building, 1021 (505)

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