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Describe the series of events that followed Caesar’s death up to 27 B

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1 Describe the series of events that followed Caesar’s death up to 27 B
Describe the series of events that followed Caesar’s death up to 27 B.C. Several Roman leaders struggled for control Struggle led to Civil War Octavian defeated enemies and became unchallenged ruler of Rome in 27 B.C.

2 What was the relationship between Octavian and Caesar?
Octavian was the great-nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar What name did Octavian eventually take? What did it mean? Octavian took the name Augustus Augustus means “exalted one”, or person of great rank and authority.

3 The first emperor, Augustus, preferred the title “First Citizen”
What title did the first emperor of Rome prefer to be called? Why do you think he preferred this title? POSSIBLE INFERENCES: He wanted to be loved by the people and perhaps the title of emperor was too imposing. Augustus was a simple person who viewed himself as one of the Roman people. The first emperor, Augustus, preferred the title “First Citizen” Why do you believe Augustus restored certain aspects of the Roman republic? POSSIBLE INFERENCES: Augustus knew the republic form of government was successful and that it could help him rule Rome Augustus wanted trust of high ranking Roman officials Augustus was a person who believed in tradition and wanted to restore some of Rome’s tradition

4 Describe the childhood of Augustus.
Young Augustus was weak and sickly Historians agree that Augustus appealed to the common people of Rome. What evidence from the text on page 447 in the section titled, “History Makers,” can be used to support this claim? Augustus tried to present himself as a simple person with simple tastes. He lived in a small house Slept in a bedroom no larger than a cell Wore plain robes Ate foods of the common people

5 What responsibilities did Augustus’ civil service have?
Why do you think Augustus said the highest honor was to be called the father of the country? POSSIBLE INFERENCES: Augustus puts an end to years of civil war, and is given credit for rebuilding Rome Augustus is a father figure to people of Rome Augustus is the first emperor of Rome, and is the first leader of a new Roman era in history. What responsibilities did Augustus’ civil service have? Government employed officials Collected taxes Oversaw the postal system Managed the grain supply

6 What evidence from the text can you use to support this quote.
“I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.” ~Augustus What evidence from the text can you use to support this quote. Augustus rebuilt and beautified Rome He built grand temples, theaters, and monuments. He replaced old brick buildings with marble buildings.

7 What was the Pax Romana. How long did it last
What was the Pax Romana? How long did it last? How large did the empire grow during this time? Pax Romana meant “Roman Peace”. It was a long period of peace and stability in the Roman Empire. Lasted for 200 years The empire grew to its largest size of 2 million square miles

8 What were the responsibilities of the Roman army under Augustus?
Greatest fighting force in the world 300,000 men served Guarded the empire’s frontiers Built roads, bridges, tunnels Navy patrolled the Mediterranean Sea

9 Why did the Roman Empire continue to do well long after Augustus’ death, even during times of bad rulers? The government that was established by Augustus was very effective. What two main factors led to the success of Roman trade throughout the Pax Romana? Quality of Roman roads Security provided by the Roman military

10 Historians consider the denarius greatly important to the economy of the Roman Empire. What evidence from the text can be used to support that claim? The economy was united under a single currency Common money made trade much easier throughout different parts of the empire What negative effect did the expanding economy of the Roman Empire have on the social class? The gap between the rich and the poor grew wider

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