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Unit 2 Drug Use Drug Misuse Drug Abuse.

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1 Unit 2 Drug Use Drug Misuse Drug Abuse

2 What is the difference between medicines & drugs?
Today, medicine(s) can prevent – treat – cure most illnesses Problem, people think drugs can solve all problems Medicines are drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases or other conditions. Drugs are substances other than food that changes the structure or function of the body or mind.

3 All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines!
Medicines that treat or prevent illnesses: Help prevent disease (vaccines) Fight pathogens (antibiotics, antivirals, etc) Relieve pain and other symptoms (analgesics) Manage chronic conditions, restore health, and regulates body’s systems (allergy, asthma, antidepressant, cancer, etc.)

4 7 Categories of Drugs: Natural Remedies OTC (Over the counter)
Prescription Tobacco Products Alcohol Illegal Unrecognized (caffeine or inhalants)

5 What message do we receive from drug advertising?
We take drugs to make us feel better

6 Effects of drugs on the body
Medicines can be delivered to the body in many ways: Oral (by mouth tablets, capsules, liquids) Topical (applied to the skin – lotion, patch) Inhaled (mist or powder – asthma) The fastest way medicine is taken for the body to respond is? INJECTION (shots)

7 Reactions to medications
Side effects – reactions to medicine other than the one intended Medicine Interactions Additive interaction – occurs when medicines work together in a positive way Synergistic effect – the interaction of two or more medicines that results in a greater effect Antagonistic interaction – occurs when the effect of one medicine is canceled or reduced when taken with another medicine or drug.

8 People take drugs in 3 different ways:
Drug Use Drug Misuse Drug Abuse

9 Drug Use Taking medicine properly and its correct dosage
Example: following directions from your Dr.’s prescription

10 Drug Misuse Using a medicine in ways other than the intended use.
Examples: Taking the wrong amount (directions) Taking twice as much to make you feel better Stop taking it too soon Taking medicine prescribed to someone else

11 Drug Abuse Intentional taking medication for nonmedical reasons
Examples: Taking a medicine that is legal to get high or drunk Using it to lose weight Using illegal drugs

12 Common OTC analgesic medicine:
Standard Medicines Over-the-counter – medicines you can buy without a doctor’s prescription 1. OTC: Common OTC analgesic medicine: Aspirin - Bayer Acetaminophen – Tylenol or Midol Ibuprofen – Advil or Motrin Naproxen sodium - Aleve * Some OTC medicines are controlled

13 Example of an OTC controlled?
Cold medications that contains an ingredient pseudoephedrine Pseudoephedrine must be kept behind the pharmacy counter. These medications are used to make highly addictive, illegal drugs - METH

14 Reye’s Syndrome A serious disease that can lead to stomach irritation and bleeding by the use of ASPIRIN Common in children and adolescents Do not use when you have chicken pox or the flu

15 Prescription Drugs medicines that are dispensed only with the written approval of a licensed physician or nurse practitioner. A prescription always has a required dose What is dose? The exact amount of a drug. Taken only by the person whose name appears on the label Taking a drug is safest when it is taken as prescribed! Many prescribed drugs can lead to misuse or abuse.

16 Other Drug Abuse Stimulants Marijuana Depressants Inhalants
Opiates/narcotics Club/Designer Drugs Hallucinogens Steroids

17 Illicit Drug Use? (S-U-P)
selling, using or purchasing of any substance that is legal/illegal or otherwise not permitted A sign of drug abuse is Dilated Pupils A sense of great well being and pleasure brought on by some drugs, also called the “HIGH” Euphoria

18 How drugs affect your health
Physically Overdose: a serious, sometime fatal reaction to a large dose of a drug Mentally Flashback: an unexpected return to an unpleasant LSD experience, often months after the original experiences ended. Builds a tolerance Causes psychological/physiological dependence Addiction: a psychological/physiological dependence of a drug

19 Psychoactive drugs Psychoactive Drugs: chemicals that affect the CNS and alter activity in the brain Stimulants Depressants Opiates (narcotics) Hallucinogens Marijuana Inhalants Steroids

20 Stimulants drugs that speed up the CNS.
1. Cocaine – seizure/death No medical use 2. Crack – 5-10 x stronger than cocaine 3. Amphetamine – decrease appetite used for weight control 4. Methamphetamine – addiction also know as METH or speed Very Dangerous

21 Depressants known as a sedative, drugs that tend to slow the CNS.
1. Tranquilizers – dizziness - fever 2. GHB – loss of consciousness date rape drug 3. Rohypnol (roofies) – memory loss date rape drug 4. Barbiturates – respiratory function largest group of sedatives

22 Opiates/Narcotics Drugs such as those derived from the opium plant that are obtainable only by prescription and are used to relieve pain. Heroin – coma or death derived from poppy flower – opium 2. Morphine – addiction relieves pain 3. Codeine – reduced respiratory function 4. Oxycodone (OxyContin) – drowsiness

23 Hallucinogens Drugs that alter moods, thoughts, and scene perception, including vision, hearing, smell and touch. 1. PCP – aggression Most dangerous 2. LSD – numbness Most potent 3. Mescaline – Produces imaginary visions 4.

24 Cannabis Distorts perceptions of time and distance.
1. Marijuana – illegal THC is the psychoactive ingredient an all-arounder drug delta -9 Tetrahydrocannabinol

25 Inhalants Huffing household products.
1. Household products – such as glue, gasoline, nail polish remover, lighter fluid, aerosols, bleach, spray paint, etc. legal products for use

26 Club/Designer Drugs Synthetic drug that are similar in chemistry to certain illegal drugs. 1. GHB – illegal “Date Rape” choice 2. Rohypnol – illegal also used for a tranquilizer 3. Ketamine – illegal Psychedelic anesthetic 90% used anesthetic for animals 4. Ecstasy – illegal Rave party drug (the “X” pill) or MDMA = 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine

27 Performance Enhancers
Drugs used for increase of physical appearance or performance. STEROIDS for medical use 1. Anabolic – legal 1. Estrogenic – legal male hormone female hormone

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