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Kaity Zuerblis Lottie Segal Miguel BRiones

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Presentation on theme: "Kaity Zuerblis Lottie Segal Miguel BRiones"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaity Zuerblis Lottie Segal Miguel BRiones
Current Outbreaks Kaity Zuerblis Lottie Segal Miguel BRiones

2 Overview Kaity Miguel Lottie 2017 Ebola Outbreak in the Congo
Meningococcal Outbreak Miguel Zika Virus Outbreak Malaria Lottie Cervical Cancer HPV Gardasil Vaccination

3 2017 Ebola Outbreak in the Congo- K
Ebola: A rare and deadly disease that includes severe bleeding Spreads by bodily fluids  2017 outbreak in the northern Democratic Republic of Congo 20 people have been infected, and 3 have died   since April 22nd, 2017 About 125 people are thought to be related to the  cases of Ebola

4 Treating Ebola and the 2017 outbreak- K
Practice proper hygiene by washing your hands  Avoid contact with blood and bodily fluids People with Ebola need to be quarantined quickly Avoid contact with people who have Ebola and their   belongings No known cure, but survival is possible with  proper treatment

5 Meningococcal DISEASE- K
An illness caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitis Spread through the sharing of saliva Two different types are meningitis and septicemia Most common in the 'meningitis belt' of sub-Saharan Africa Outbreaks occur here every 5 to 12 years

6 Preventing Meningococcal Outbreak- K
Is able to be prevented by vaccines Vaccines are not 100% effective Prophylaxis: Treatment with antibiotics if in contact with someone  with the disease Meningococcal conjugate vaccinations are   recommended at ages and 16 It is possible to get the disease twice 

7 Zika - M A viral disease Causes birth defects like microcephaly
        - Now recently found to cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome Fever, joint pain, conjunctivitis, and muscle pain In 2015, Brazil had 2,975 babies with microcephaly In 48 countries in the Americas - include mosquitos -refer to picture -mention how many do not show symptoms

8 Zika - M 1947 in Uganda 2 states No vaccine
Spreads through mosquitos or sexual transmission Protection, insect repellent

9 Malaria - M One-celled parasite Uncomplicated or severe
Fevers to organ failure and death 650,000  to 1.2 million deaths annually 3.2 billion people in areas of risk

10 Malaria - M Algeria in 1880 U.S. eliminated malaria in 1951
Spreads through mosquitos Various drugs used (chloroquine) Insect repellent, prevention drugs

11 Lottie: Cervical Cancer
The cells that line the cervix grow wrong and form tumors Highly curable in early stages Can be fatal if not treated Second most common cancer in developing world  300,000 woman dying annually

12 Lottie: HPv Short for human papillomavirus (genital warts)
Group of 150 related viruses Transmitted through intimate skin to skin contact Extremely common Can cause cancer

13 Lottie: gardasil vaccine pros
Can protect against cancer Stops genital warts Widely considered to be safe Risk if not vaccinated

14 Lottie: gardasil vaccine cons
 Bad side effects  Vomiting  Fainting 

15 Kaity ABC(D) What is the antibiotic treatment for those who are around a person with meningococcal disease? A. Meningitis B. Prophylaxis C. Septicemia D. Glycerin B

16 Kaity ABC(D) Which of the following ways is NOT how someone can become infected with Ebola? A. Infected needles B. Infected fruit bats and primates C. Through the air around an infected person D. Bodily fluids C

17 ABC(D)’s - M What kind of parasite causes malaria? A) Single cell (one-cell) B) Two cell C) Three cell D) Sally sells sea shells by the seashore

18 ABC(D)’s - M What drug can help treat Malaria? A) Plavix B) Advair Diskus C) Chloroquine D) Methamphetamine

19 B Lottie ABC(D) In early stages cervical cancer is… Deadly
Highly curable Hard to treat Impossible to treat B

20 A Lottie ABC(D) How is HPV transmitted? Intimate skin to skin contact
Through blood Through the air By zombies A

21 Conclusion Kaity Miguel Lottie 2017 Ebola Outbreak in the Congo
Meningococcal Outbreak Miguel Zika Virus Outbreak Malaria Lottie Cervical Cancer HPV Gardasil Vaccination

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