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Believer’s Walk and Wisdom

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1 Believer’s Walk and Wisdom
MEMORY VERSE: For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. --Ephesians 5:8 TEXT: Ephesians 5:1-21

2 Lesson: Boys and girls who are friends of Jesus must walk in love, obedience and purity to make heaven. Thought: I will walk with Jesus till the end.

3 Introduction A believer is one who has repented from sin to live a holy life and obey God always. A believer is a friend of Jesus who has been called out of darkness to walk with Jesus.

4 Walking with Jesus means…
Obeying His commandments Submitting to the Holy Spirit’s guidance in all areas of of one Living in the fear of God Having total love for the things of God TRUE FRIENDS OF JESUS WALK IN THE SPIRIT AND ARE LED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT

5 By divine wisdom, friends of Jesus understand God’s word and are able to walk with God acceptably.

6 Marks of a Godly Walk and Wisdom
Ephesians 5:1-2, Galatians 5: Ephesians 6:10-18

7 Marks of a Godly Walk and Wisdom
The believers’ walk refers to the godly and holy lifestyle of the believers. It should be active and visible to everyone. It is a walk of love and purity. It involves living holy at all times and in all places. Godly walk also involves steadfastness.

8 Marks of a Godly Walk and Wisdom

9 Marks of a Godly Walk and Wisdom
Loving the things of God and the children of God Not being proud or boastful, being gentle, merciful and always ready to forgive Not joining other children to do evil things A peacemaker He does not get along or fellowship with people that are not friends of Jesus. He does not tell lies, fight, cheat or dress like people of the world. He gives thanks to God always and is submissive and fears God.

10 The lifestyle of a godly child encourages other believers.
Does your lifestyle encourage others??

If not, it means that you are still of the world even though you attend church regularly. If you are walking in the flesh, you stand the danger of missing heaven. REPENT NOW AND MAKE YOUR LIFE RIGHT WITH GOD!!

Marks of an Ungodly Walk and Wisdom Ephesians 5:1-2, 13-21; Galatians 5:22-25; Ephesians 6:10-18 An ungodly walk and wisdom is a sinful lifestyle. It is a life that exhibits disobedience to the word of God. It is also a life that is “after the flesh”. Children that have such a lifestyle may attend church but regularly but th do not obey the word of God. They desire and take part in sinful habits like stealing, lying, fighting, hatred, anger, cheating and use of abusive language. They are also self-willed, always wanting to have their own way. SUCH CHILDREN SHALL NOT ENTER THE KINGDOM OF GOD

13 Benefits of a Godly Walk and Wisdom Genesis 39:7,12; 40:37-44; Daniel 1:8,11-21; Psalm 1:1-3
Godly walk and wisdom is one of the secrets of real success in life. It brings God’s blessings, provision and favour. God answers the prayers of those who walk in love and purity. God gives them victories over temptations as He did to Daniel, , Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Godly walk and wisdom ensure divine provision, protection and peace with God. It brings healing and health at all times. It will enable you to live forever with Jesus in heaven. Children who are not walking with God cannot enjoy these benefits.

14 Are you still living an ungodly life
Are you still living an ungodly life? If yes, you need Jesus in your life right now. Pray and take the following steps and Jesus will come into your heart and make you godly. Step 1 REPENT FROM ALL YOUR SINS Step 2 ASK FOR FORGIVE-NESS AND CLEANSING IN BLOOD OF JESUS Step 3 INVITE JESUS INTO YOUR HEART TO BE YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO WALK IN THE SPIRIT

15 Questions 1. What is a godly walk?
2. What are the marks of (a) ungodly walk and wisdom and (b) godly walk and wisdom? 3. Mention three benefits of godly walk and wisdom. 4. Attending fellowship meetings and involvement in church activities are marks of godly walk and wisdom. Yes/No? 5. How can a sinful child enjoy the blessings of walking godly?

16 Activity Children should memorize and recite the following verses: Galatians 5:16-24 and Colossians 2:6-15 Homework Write in your homework book 5 things that you will do to show that you are godly.

17 References ts.htm

18 References childrens-pastor/ pets.html

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