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-Grab a note sheet!! -Get out something to write with!!

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1 -Grab a note sheet!! -Get out something to write with!! -We have a lot of notes to take today….

2 Sub-Sahara Africa

3 Landforms

4 Rumenzori Mountains

5 “Mountains of the Moon”
Permanent snow capped peaks Located border of Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo Cloud coverage at the tops of the mountains is created by moist air

6 Escarpment

7 Definition Steep cliff Usually line the coast line

8 Drakensberg Range

9 Drakensberg Escarpment
“The Dragon Mountain” Located between Lesotho and South Africa Peak- 11,420 ft asl

10 Mount Kenya

11 2nd highest mountain in Africa
Located in Kenya Peak 17,057 ft asl Runoff from Mount Kenya provides water and electricity for over 2 million people Inactive Volcano

12 Mount Kilimanjaro

13 Highest freestanding mountain in the world 19,341 ft asl
“White Mountain” Highest peak in Africa Highest freestanding mountain in the world 19,341 ft asl Inactive Volcano Located in Tanzania

14 Great Rift Valley

15 Continuous trench 3,700 miles long
Extends from Mozambique (Africa) to Syria (Southwest Asia) Created by shifting and spreading plates (earthquakes common)

16 Bodies of Water

17 Lake Victoria

18 Africa’s largest lake 3rd largest freshwater lake in world
Located Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya Feeds the White Nile River Pollution caused from discharge of raw sewage, industrial waste, and farm fertilizers


20 “Large expanse of water”
Located Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon Provides water to more than 20 million people “Shrinking lake” labeled a ecological catastrophe (Shrank up to 95% in 1998) Drought, Landlocked, Population increases

21 Lake Volta

22 Ghana’s Lake Provides hydroelectricity to Ghana Largest man-made lake (reservoir) in world Supplies irrigation and fish


24 “Great River” 3rd longest river in Africa
Empties into the Atlantic Ocean- Niger Delta

25 Victoria Falls Zambezi River

26 Zambezi River 4th largest river in Africa
Mouth- Zambezi Delta at the Indian Ocean Large populations of hippos and crocodiles

27 Victoria Falls Located on the Zambezi River on the border of Zimbabwe and Zambia 360 foot drop Located on a plateau

28 Congo (Zaire) River

29 2nd longest river in Africa- 2,922 miles
Flows through the 2nd largest rainforest in the world Provides transportation for the lands without roads


31 River is a natural boundary between South Africa & Namibia and South Africa & Lesotho
Provides hydroelectricity and irrigation for South Africa

32 Natural Resources

33 Agriculture ¾ of African Farmers practice Subsistence Agriculture
Large farms grow Cash Crops- coffee, cocoa, cotton, rubber Cash Crops used for exports so if there is a bad harvest there is no food to feed the citizens 70% employment Produce less today, despite population tripling in size. Due to drought and bad soil conditions.

34 "Black Gold"

35 Nigeria has the largest reserves of petroleum
Employs ~2 million people Profits go to large corporations or governments Natural Resources have been detrimental to economies Example- Congo has a vast amount of resources but it is one of the poorest countries in the world. (LEDC)

36 Gold and Diamonds

37 Botswana- largest producers of diamonds in the world
USA- largest consumers of diamonds in the world 20% of diamonds are sold illegally South Africa has ½ the worlds gold

38 Solar Power

39 Climate Sahel and Horn of Africa- Yellow
Tropical Savannah- Light Green Tropical Rainforest- Dark Green Mediterranean- Olive Arid- Orange Climate

40 Tropical Rainforest

41 Tropical Rain Forest The majority of Africa lies between 23 ½ North and South Covers 3.6 million square miles Average rainfall- 60 inches/year Agriculture- coffee, bananas, pineapples, cocoa, tea Cash Crops for exports- palm trees, rubber, timber Rainforest is threatened by logging, deforestation and population growth

42 Savanna

43 Tropical Savanna (Grasslands)
Covers 50% of the continent Rainfall inches/year Serengeti National Park located in the Savanna

44 Serengeti National Park
“Endless Plain” 5700 square miles Located on the Tanzania/Kenya border Human are forbid to live in park Top 6 hunted animals located here Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Black Rhino, African Buffalo, Cheetah

45 Serengeti National Park

46 Steppe

47 Steppe “Southern Coast of the Sahara” Rainfall 4-8 inches/year
Natural boundary between North Africa and Sub-Sahara Africa Desertification- productive land turns into desert or arid land following the destruction of vegetation Sahel- “shore” or “edge”

48 The Sahel

49 Arid or Desert

50 Arid Rainfall- less than 10 inches/year
Average Temperature degrees F Three major deserts in Sub Sahara Africa Namib Desert- Located in Namibia Nubian Desert- Located in Sudan Kalahari Desert- Located in Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa

51 Namib Desert

52 Aerial View Of Nubian Desert

53 Kalahari Desert

54 Language Religion Education CULTURE Healthcare Population Urbanization

55 Africa is made up from 3 cultures
African European Islamic

56 Population 1 billion people Highest death and birth rates in world
34 of the 53 countries are the world’s least developed Most Populated Country- Nigeria- 148 million people

57 Niger

58 Population Density Uneven

59 Healthcare 25% of Africans have proper sanitation
#1 killer- Malaria- mosquito born infectious disease 85-90% of deaths occur Children and Pregnant women most vulnerable #2 killer-AIDS

60 AIDS 70% of worlds AIDS population in Sub Africa
Caused most countries Life Expectancies to decline 12 million children orphaned from AIDS Southern Africa most affected- 6 out of 11 countries 20% of population infected Swaziland- 50% of population in 20’s are infected

61 Sanitation Malaria AIDS

62 Malaria

63 Can mosquitoes spread HIV?

64 Urbanization 30% of population

65 Arabic in Northern Africa
800 different languages Arabic in Northern Africa Swahili in Southern Africa

66 World Religions Muslim- Green Christian- Red

67 Largest- Christianity
2nd- Islam Animist popular among tribes

68 60% Literacy of Sub Sahara Africa
Education 60% Literacy of Sub Sahara Africa

69 Sorghum Staple Crop Berries

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