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Unit 1.

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1 Unit 1

2 VOCABULARY Throughout this PowerPoint you will see words that are italicized and in different colors. These words are vocabulary words for the unit. I have broken down the unit vocab terms into 5 categories: Dates, Documents, People, Events, and Terms. Each term will be color coded based on which category it belongs to. As you work through this PowerPoint, I will use the vocab terms in explanations and what not. Some slides might have the definition of a word or it may just be used in a sentence.

3 Vocabulary: Dates 1607 1620

4 Vocabulary: Documents
English Bill of Rights Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Magna Carta Mayflower Compact Treaty of Paris 1863 Virginia House of Burgesses

5 Vocabulary: Events First Great Awakening French and Indian War

6 Vocabulary: People Anne Hutchinson Eliza Pinckney James Oglethorpe
John Smith Lord Baltimore Roger Williams Thomas Hooker William Penn

7 Vocabulary: Terms Cash crop Plantation Charter Puritans Colonization
Quakers Columbian exchange Representative government Indentured Servant Self-government Joint-stock company Town meeting Mercantilism Transatlantic Slave Trade Northwest Passage Triangular Trade Pilgrims

8 Causes and effects of Exploration
Gold, God, Glory Most European countries began exploring for political (glory), social (God), or economic (gold) reasons. They were pushed to explore based on the success of the other countries. Many countries were looking for a Northwest Passage, which was an all water-route to Asia to make travel time shorter and more efficient. Less time traveling=more trips back and forth between Asia and Europe=more money

9 Causes and Effects of Exploration
By looking at the names of the different regions on the map, you can infer that Spain, England, and France all established colonies in the New World/North America.

10 Causes and Effects When Columbus landed in the New World in 1492, it started what is known as the Columbian Exchange, which is the trade of goods between Europe, the New World, and eventually Africa when the Transatlantic Slave Trade begins to supply plantations with slave labor.

11 Early Colonies Jamestown
Received a charter from the Virginia Company, which was a joint-stock company to start a colony. Founded in 1607 for economic reasons First permanent English colony Led by Captain John Smith Survived the “Starving Time” Began growing tobacco as a cash crop. Jamestown Video click me

12 Early Colonies Plymouth
Founded by the Pilgrims who fled Europe to escape religious persecution Landed at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts after their ship had blown off course from their journey to Virginia and made their charter was invalid Wrote the Mayflower Compact in 1620 which created a type of self-government in which they created a set of rules and agreed to follow as a community.

13 Early Colonies Massachusetts Bay
The Puritans fled England for the New World in search of religious freedom. They wanted to PURify they English Church which still had many Catholic habits. They landed in Massachusetts and built their settlement at Boston. They believed Boston was to be a “City Upon a Hill,” or a model city for Christians to follow. The Puritans were very strict in their religious beliefs and expected people to follow their way of life

14 Early exploration and settlements Flocabulary
Early Colonies Early exploration and settlements Flocabulary Click me

15 13 Colonies New England: Middle Colonies Southern New Hampshire
New York Maryland Massachusetts New Jersey Virginia Connecticut Pennsylvania North Carolina Rhode Island Delaware South Carolina Georgia

16 13 Colonies New England colonies: Reasons For Founding New Hampshire
Founded by John Mason for farming Massachusetts Founded by the Puritans under the leadership of John Winthrop Most of the settlements were established for religious freedom Connecticut Founded by Thomas Hooker Created the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut which was a written document that created a set of laws for the colony. Rhode Island Founded by Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson after being exiled from Massachusetts for expressing religious ideas that were “radical” to the Puritans.

17 13 Colonies New England Colonies: Geography and Economy Geography:
Play me New England Colonies: Geography and Economy Geography: Hard, rocky soil Plentiful rivers Forests Economy Whaling Shipping Lumber Fur trade

18 13 Colonies Middle Colonies: Reasons for founding Delaware New York
Founded originally by the Dutch for fur trading and was eventually taken over by the English New Jersey Founded for farming and trade Pennsylvania: founded by William Penn and the Quakers as place for religious tolerance.

19 13 Colonies Middle Colonies: Geography and Economy Geography: Economy:
Play me Middle Colonies: Geography and Economy Geography: Fertile soil Economy: Small farms that produced grain Known as the “Bread Basket”

20 13 Colonies Southern Colonies: Reasons for founding Maryland Virginia
Founded by Lord Baltimore as a haven for Catholics Virginia Founded by the Virginia Company for economic reasons The Carolinas (North and South) Founded by supporters of Charles II for farming and trade Georgia Founded by James Oglethorpe as a debtors colony and as a buffer between the English colonies and Spanish Florida

21 13 colonies Southern Colonies: Geography and Economy Geography Economy
Play me Southern Colonies: Geography and Economy Geography Long growing season Very fertile Soil Economy Plantation system Cash crops Tobacco Indigo Cotton

22 13 Colonies First Great Awakening:
A religious movement throughout that colonies that emphasized individual salvation through a personal Was an Evangelical movement where people gathered in large crowds to hear sermons “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” was a famous speech by Reverend Jonathan Edwards that said sinners would be judged for their sins

23 13 Colonies 13 colonies Quizlet click me

24 French and Indian War Background:
The English colonies took up the area of land from the Atlantic Ocean to the Appalachian Mountains The French controlled the area from the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River (Ohio River Valley)

25 French and Indian War Causes:
The French had a successful fur trade operation in the Ohio River Valley with the help of the Native Americans English saw this success and wanted to get in on the action They began operating their own fur trade in the Ohio River Valley, which technically belonged to the French Both sides began fortifying the area

26 French and Indian War Both the British and the French tried to convince the Native Americans to be on their side. The French were successful The war ended in 1763 and the British won

27 French and Indian War Effects:
Great Britain gained control of Ohio River Valley and therefore now controlled from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River. King George did not want colonists fighting with the Native Americans so his issued the Proclamation of 1763 The Proclamation of 1763 established the Proclamation line which prevented colonists moving west of the Appalachian Mountains King George sent 10,000 British troops (redcoats) to enforce this law

28 French and Indian War map
French and Indian War Quizlet Click me

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