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THIS IS JEOPARDY With Your Host... Mr. Millers.

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4 With Your Host... Mr. Millers

5 Inca Aztec Important Facts Maya Key Terms 3 Civilizations main 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

6 Name for the Maya ruler. Maya What is halach uinic? A 100

7 Offerings to please the gods.
What are plants, food, flowers, feathers, jade, shells, animals and humans? A 200

8 This was the distinctive Mayan architectural feature.
What is the corbeled arch? A 300

9 Maya agricultural techniques to produce more food.
What are slash-and-burn, raised fields, and terraces? A 400

10 Five major theories on the decline of the Maya.
What are ecological catastrophes, invasion, revolution, calendric prophecy and a combination of shift in trade routes, invasion, revolution, overtaxing resources and belief in calendric prophecy? A 500

11 Inca technique for surgery.
What is trephination? B 100

12 Allowed Inca to consult their dead rulers and have them on hand at festivals.
What is mummification? B 200

13 Incas used these to keep records.
What are quipu? B 300

14 Inca forced conquered people to learn this.
What is Quechua (language)? B 400

15 The foundation of Inca society.
What was the Ayllu? B 500

16 Aztec symbol that led them to settle in the Valley of Mexico.
What is the Eagle and the Cactus? C 100

17 Major ways the Aztec adapted to their island location (3).
What is built causeways, aqueduct and chinampas? C 200

18 Reason Aztecs thought human sacrifice was important.
What is to keep the gods strong and the world safe from destruction? C 300

19 Four main powers of the Aztec emperor.
What is lead religious ceremonies, control law, trade and tribute, and warfare? C 400

20 Given to the Aztec as tribute.
What is food, cacao, gems, stones, cotton, cloth, animals/skins, shells, building materials, soldiers? C 500

21 Making clothes/cloth for army, serving in army, working in mines, building roads, work on government farms. 3 Civilizations What is mit’a? D 100

22 Ancestors of the Maya who built huge stone heads.
Who are the Olmec? D 200

23 Stone columns that the Mayans wrote on.
What are steles? D 300

24 Leaders of groups conquered by the Incas.
Who are the curacas? D 400

25 Role geography played in Maya economy.
What people traded natural resources locally throughout the civilization? D 500

26 We had a written language.
3 Civilizations Who are the Maya and Aztec? E 100

27 Civilization that lived in large settlements called calpullis.
Who are the Aztec? E 200

28 We do not have merchants.
Who are the Inca? E 300

29 This civilization had a vertical economy.
Who are the Inca? E 400

30 Similarities between the rise of both the Aztec and Inca Empires.
What is both expanded through warfare and alliances, and both expected tribute or allegiance? E 500

31 This civilization traded at the Great Market.
Important Facts Who are the Aztec? F 100

32 Item used as a form of money in trade.
What are cacao beans? F 200

33 Who are the Chavin, Nazca, Moche and Chimu?
Civilizations that set the stage for the development of the Inca civilization. Who are the Chavin, Nazca, Moche and Chimu? F 300

34 These civilizations used a barter system for trade
Who are the Maya and Aztec? F 400

35 Five gods in the Inca religion.
Who are Inti (sun god), Illapu (weather god and rain giver), Paca Mama (Earth Mother), Mama Cocha (goddess of sea), Viracocha (creator of world) ? F 500

36 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Maya, Inca, Aztec
Please record your wager. Finalcategory Click on screen to begin

37 Click on screen to continue
Describe the differences and similarities between Aztec, Maya, and Inca. finalquestion Click on screen to continue

38 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!
Same religious beliefs: Priest-Kings, polytheism and human sacrifice. Different achievements and farming techniques. Maya developed a calendar and number system, Inca created a complex road system and the Aztecs used chinampas to farm crops. Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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