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What is the most important thing you have? Your Identity Who you are and how you perceive yourself comes before all else.

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Presentation on theme: "What is the most important thing you have? Your Identity Who you are and how you perceive yourself comes before all else."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is the most important thing you have? Your Identity Who you are and how you perceive yourself comes before all else


4 Being Human (The Natural Man) Genetic factors/Epigenetic factors Character traits (Gifts and Talents) Environmental factors

5 There is another factor that impacts on who we are and how we behavior. The influence of the Spirit and the adversary

6 Our Identity Talents/Character Natural Man/The Spirit Genetics/ Environment

7 Anxiety Fear and expectation of hurt, loss or humiliation Stress physical and emotional overload Anxiety and Stress result in Depression We all experience these feelings at sometime in our lives.


9 A level of Fear/Anxiety keeps us safe Excessive Fear/Anxiety restricts our lives Generalized misplaced Anxiety is difficult to resolve Anxiety often leads to depression


11 Perfectionism

12 Fearful of large groups of people, social settings and self consciousness

13 Flashbacks

14 Compulsive behaviors

15 Self doubt and panic attacks

16 Physical problems; lack of sleep, muscle tension, chronic indigestion


18 As our body feels stress it perceives a physical danger and prepares for fight or flight Pulse rate is increased putting a greater load on our hearts Hormones such as Cortisol and Adrenaline are released into the body weakening our immune system Muscles tense causing pain and headaches Stress can induce panic attacks

19 The Symptoms of stress are physical


21 Being overwhelmed by negative emotions Low self worth and confidence Anxiety and fear of emptiness A lack of feeling and an emptiness of mood A depressive state can cycle from a emotional intensity of Anxiety to an emotional emptiness

22 Lack of sleep or feeling fatigued all the time

23 Irritability

24 Anger or hostility

25 Anxiety and worry

26 Unable to concentrate

27 Indecision

28 Overwhelmed and stressed

29 Sexual Dysfunction

30 Substance abuse

31 Suicidal thoughts


33 Chemical or Hormonally induced depression Genetic factors Life experiences and trauma

34 Unipolar; Some changes / swing in mood and behaviors Bipolar; Swings between mania and depression “Manic depression” All depressions will involve some mood swings Endogenous; Caused by trauma

35 Frequency How often a bout depression occurs ( Daly weekly monthly) Duration How long a bout last for (Hours weeks months) Intensity How bad a bout of depression is, mild moderate or severe

36 Experiencing some level depression is an important part of life That is how we build Emotional Resilience

37 As with a high temperature, aching joints and nausea they can be the symptoms of many different illnesses Often the symptoms of Anxiety and Depression are the result of other underlying psychological issues

38 Abuse Bereavement Attachment problems Educational problems Illness Bullying


40 Often symptoms take on the central focus in a person's life becoming an never ending cycle of illness and unsuccessful treatment

41 People suffering from depression “self-medicate” with a substance or behaviour that provides some form of pleasure and distraction.

42 Under achievement Inability to make decisions Failure to take care of self and others Loss of confidence in skills and knowledge

43 Anger is often a safer emotion to feel than fear or depression Anger can impact on family and beyond

44 Depression can be successfully treated with a combination of treatments that change thinking and feelings by changing behaviour

45 Successful treatment needs to involve one or more of; Self help Medication Counselling

46 Taking responsibility to overcome depression Talking openly about emotions to loved ones Reconnecting with friends and family to build self-worth Attending social events and activities to build confidence Taking on new and old responsibilities Not becoming a victim Working at achieving healthy sleeping, eating and exercise Notice triggers points that cause depressive episodes

47 Anti-depressants aim to reduce symptoms to enable other treatments to work more effectively Often they are mistakenly seen as the only solution Side effects are experienced at the start of treatment, long term (more than 2/3 years) use reduces their effectiveness

48 Find a therapist you feel comfortable working with Take responsibility for getting well Give yourself time to recover Talk to your partner friends and family as well

49 Identify underlying root causes Support the use of medication Work on positive behaviours Cope with setbacks

50 How we can help our friends and family

51 Don’t ask them to do too much at once Don’t show impatience Don’t undermine their emotional experience Don’t compare them to others Don’t say “its time you got over this” Don’t get caught up in their depression, it can be infectious

52 Encourage activities that they are good at to build self-worth Invite them to social events to build confidence Give them responsibilities to help them see themselves as helpers not victims Encourage health sleeping, eating and exercise Notice triggers points that can increase or cause depressive episodes and talk about them Make them laugh

53 It is important to concentrate on what is possible to change and not worry about what is impossible

54 Some people identify with their illness even when it causes them pain, they see it as who they are They can be anxious of the changes being well will bring

55 There is a culture of looking outside of ourselves for solutions and blaming the world rather than taking responsibility ourselves

56 The church has understood the importance of psychological therapies since the 1970’s All gospel centered psychotherapy must point towards participating in the Atonement of Jesus Christ

57 Many mental health problems can be understood as the pain we suffer when we become caught in a false identity When we allow our fears and anxieties to shape who we are, we are lost.

58 Healing comes from discovering our true eternal identity


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