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WESTERN RELIGIONSEASTERN RELIGIONS  Judaism  Christianity  Islam  Hinduism  Buddhism  Jainism  Daoism.

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2 WESTERN RELIGIONSEASTERN RELIGIONS  Judaism  Christianity  Islam  Hinduism  Buddhism  Jainism  Daoism

3 WESTERNEASTERN  Monotheistic  Afterlife  Linear Thought  Holy Book  Ten Commandments  Jerusalem  Prophets  Cyclical Thought  Divinity  Reincarnation  Ultimate Goal of Existence

4  2000 BC Abraham moved his family to Canaan and founded Israelite nation  Famine pushed Israelites to Egypt where they were enslaved  Exodus: Moses led Israelites back to Canaan  Saul drove out the Philistines and United Israelite tribes  1000 BC David established Israel  Solomon established Israel as a powerful trading nation

5  922 BC Kingdom split Israel N./ Judah S.  722 BC Assyrians take Israel (forced to pay tribute)  586 BC “Babylonian Captivity” Babylonians grab Judah  538 BC Cyrus frees them

6  Monotheistic  God made a covenant or promise with them  Patriarchal  Ten Commandments  Prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah say to “Obey God’s word”  Moral Ethics “All people are equal”

7  Originally a Sect within Judaism  Early Christians were Jews waiting for the messiah  30-33 AD, Jesus of Nazareth  Pontius Pilate crucified Jesus Christ

8  Those who believe Christ was the messiah became Christians  Paul spread the word of Christ  Peter established the first church in Rome (first pope)  Christianity was still illegal

9  Bible: Old Testament (Jewish Torah), and New Testament (written after Christ)  Gospels: First four books of New Testament, describe Life of Christ

10  313 Edict of Milan legalizes Christianity in Rome  325 Council of Nicaea organizes Christianity  391 Christianity becomes official religion of Rome  476 Rome fell, but Christianity remains intact and dominant

11 Define the following terms:  Islam  Muslim  Allah  Muhammad  Quran  Jihad  Mecca  Haj  Alms  Sunna  Sharia  Mosque

12 Use your book to look up the five pillars to Islam.

13  Faith  Prayer  Alms  Fasting  Pilgrimage (Haj)

14  Rightly Guarded Caliph  Shi’a: Party of ALI: Caliph must be descendant of Muhammad  Sunni: Followers of Muhammad’s example

15  Brahman: spiritual drive within everything  Atman: your essential self  Reincarnation: rebirth of a soul into another body  Moksha: ultimate goal of existence  Karma: all actions of a persons life that affect his or her fate in the next

16  Brahmin: Hindu priest  Untouchable: lowest caste  Dharma: religious or moral duties of an individual  Ahimsa: non-violence

17  The Four Noble Truths  Life is full of Pain and Suffering  Desire is the cause of Pain and Suffering  To end Suffering is to end Desire  To overcome Desire is to follow the Eight- Fold Path

18  The Eight Fold Path  Right Views  Right Aspirations  Right Speech  Right Conduct  Right Livelihood  Right Effort  Right Mindfulness  Right Contemplation

19  Siddhartha Gautama is the founder  They reject the Hindu Caste System  Somewhere between pleasure and self-denial is the eight- fold path  Nirvana is the ultimate goal

20 JAINISMDAOISM  Emphasis on Karma  Three Jewels  Laozi  Bruce Lee  Yin Yang

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