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U.S. II 10.3 Acquiring New Lands. Ruling Puerto Rico Statehood vs. ind Mil’t Rule U.S. forces: Gen. Nelson A. Miles Return to Civil Gov’t 1900: Foraker.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. II 10.3 Acquiring New Lands. Ruling Puerto Rico Statehood vs. ind Mil’t Rule U.S. forces: Gen. Nelson A. Miles Return to Civil Gov’t 1900: Foraker."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. II 10.3 Acquiring New Lands

2 Ruling Puerto Rico Statehood vs. ind Mil’t Rule U.S. forces: Gen. Nelson A. Miles Return to Civil Gov’t 1900: Foraker Act US Pres. Appt PR Gov. & members of upper house 1901: Insular Cases US Supreme Court 1917: elect both houses of leg

3 Cuba & the US US declare war on Sp. 1898 Teller Amendment Amer. Soldiers US Occupation Mil’t Aid Platt Amend. 1900: Constitution 1901: Platt Amend (4) Response 1903: part of treaty Protectorate Protecting US Business Interest Sugar, tobacco, mining, RR, & utilities

4 Filipinos Rebel Leader: Emilio Aguinaldo Phil-Amer. War Feb. 1899: revolt Guerilla tactics Designated Zones Inferior Treatment Cost: $400 million Aftermath of the War Same as PR July 4,1946: Ind Foreign Influence in China Gateway Investors: RR Weak: War & foreign intervention Fr, Ger, Br, Japan, & Rus


6 John Hay’s Open Door Notes Sec of State: John Hay’s Open Door Notes Boxer Rebellion in China Secret Societies: “Boxers: Aug 1900: marched on cap’t Protecting Amer. Rights 2 nd open door notes 3 Beliefs about Industrial capitalist economy Impact of US Territorial gains 1900 election: McKinley (R) Vs. Bryan (D) Anti-Imperialist League

7 U.S. II 10.4 America as a World Power

8 One Amer. Story Joseph Bucklin Bishop: important role in building the Panama Canal Editor of “Canal Record” TR & the World 1905: Open Door Notes: increase influence Settlement: war Russia & Japan

9 Roosevelt the peacemaker 1904: Tsar Nicholas II declares war on Japan Control Korea Japan destroys fleet Jpn: out of men & $ TR: Mediates Jpn: wants Sakhali & $ Rus: refuses offer Rus: Manchuria & Korea Treaty of Portsmouth 1906: Noble Peace Prize

10 Panama Canal US: needs canal cutting through Central Amer. 1850’s: US & BR agree to share 1901: Hay-Pauncefote Treaty: US Rights 2 sites: Nicaragua & Panama(Colombia) 1800’s: Fr. Tried in Pan.(10yrs) Philippe Bunau-Varillla 1903: $40 million US had to get permission Varilla: org. rebellion Nov. 3,1903: Pan Ind. $10mill+$250,000 rent Payments: 1913

11 Constructing the Canal Disease Volcanic Soil 1904: Drain & clear 1913: Height Cost: $380 mill Aug. 15, 1914: Open Roosevelt Corollary LA: borrowed $ from Europe Fear Europe Intervention Monroe Doctrine 1823 Dec. 1904: Roosevelt Corollary

12 Dollar Diplomacy 1911: Nicaragua near bankruptcy US banks loan Control RR System & nat’l bank Revolt: Pres. Adolfo Diaz Marines: 1933 Dollar Diplomacy WW Missionary Diplomacy “missionary diplomacy”: moral responsibility Mex. Revolution Porfirio Diaz Amer. Owned 1911:Fransicso Madero Gen. Victoriano Huerta

13 Intervention in Mex. Apr. 1914: Tampico. Mex Veracruz, Mex Arg, Braz, & Chile 1915: Venustiano Carranza Rebellion in Mex Rebel: Francisco “Pancho” Villa Emiliano Zapata Jan 1916

14 Chasing Villa Brigadier Gen. John J. Pershing Nat’l Guard June 1916: US & Mex Feb. 1917: ordered home Mex. Constitution 1917 1920: Alvaro Obregon

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