Google Docs and Forms Collaborative on-line documents Connect session, March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Docs and Forms Collaborative on-line documents Connect session, March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Docs and Forms Collaborative on-line documents Connect session, March 2012

2  For documents, spreadsheets, presentations, on-line forms  In simplest form, a place to upload or create personal documents that reside on-line  Use for backup  Use from any computer if you are away from your desktop  By enabling “sharing” options, they become collaborative documents  Present presentation via Google Docs  Post on-line form via Google Docs  Data captured in on-line Excel sheet Google Docs

3  Supported formats:  Supports all Microsoft Office (including Office 07), and PDF  Supports most image formats (.jpg,.gif,.png,.psd)  Supports most video (though they don’t tell you that)  If you don’t choose Convert option, you can upload any doc  File size limits  Documents: 2 mg  Presentations 10 mg (200 slides)  Spreadsheets: 20 mg  Unconverted document: 10 mg  Overall storage: 1 gb Google Docs Formats and Limitations

4  Click Create  Choose a doc type  Document (Word)  Presentation (Ppoint)  Spreadsheet (Excel)  Form (web form; writes to Excel)  Drawing (Paint)  Table (from Excel,.cvs)  Collection (folder) Creating Documents

5  Upload icon>Choose file, click Upload  For online editing or collaboration, choose Convert to Google Docs format  For unsupported file types (sound, video), don’t convert  Folder upload available w/Chrome Uploading Documents

6  Share button ay upper right  Default is Private  Can still invite others via email  Click Change to change share option  Three options:  Public  Anyone with the link  Private (needs invite and sign-in)  All 3 can set share as View, Edit, or Comment Sharing

7  For Powerpoint  Click Start Presentation  Send URL at top of page  You’ll need a phone line as well Presenting

8  THE SINGLE COOLEST THING ABOUT GOOGLE DOCS!  Prior to Google Docs Forms, having a web-based form write to a database has always been difficult  Front end form, Back end database, a language for them to communicate in (Cold Fusion, SQL, PHP)  With Google, just build the front end form  Automatically writes to a Google Doc Excel sheet  **SHOW LIVE FORM NOW** Google Docs Forms

9  Create>Form  Type in Form title, intro text  Type in question text, help text (if needed), type of question (text, multiple choice, scales, grids, etc.)  After first 2 questions, go to Add Item at top left to add questions Creating a Form

10  Add skip patterns using page breaks and answer-based routing  Add a confirmation by going to More Actions> Edit confirmation Fine tuning the Form 1

11  Use Form menu of spreadsheet to:  Edit form  Get URL to send  Embed code  See summary  Start up/Shut down form Fine tuning the Form 2

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