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The Industrial Revolution and the Birth of Modern Europe Unit 2 “Man no longer treated men as men, but as a commodity which could be bought and sold on.

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Presentation on theme: "The Industrial Revolution and the Birth of Modern Europe Unit 2 “Man no longer treated men as men, but as a commodity which could be bought and sold on."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Industrial Revolution and the Birth of Modern Europe Unit 2 “Man no longer treated men as men, but as a commodity which could be bought and sold on the open market.”

2 The Industrial Revolution  Long, slow process of production shifting from hand tools with human and animal labour to steam and electrical machine power  Political disruptions in France the main reason that Britain lead in the industrial revolution

3 Agriculture Revolution  One key to the industrial revolution was the increased production and variety of crops produced

4  New crops from Americas – potatoes and corn  Charles Townsend – discovers crop rotation rather than leaving fields fallow  Use of clover and turnips in rotation with wheat and barley  Clover and turnips used to feed animals for meat = more animals  Meat $ down = more protein in diets

5 12121212 34343434

6  Jethro Tull develops the seed drill rather than random scattering  Reduced amount of seed used  Easier to weed  Iron plow replaced wooden ones  Mechanical reapers and threshers replace wooden ones


8  Land ownership changes  Farmers used to work small strips of land in scattered fields and graze their animals on “common land”  Enclosure movement – wealthy land owners begin claiming sole rights to use of the common lands from 1500s on  Land use more efficient but forced many smaller farmers out  Some become tenant workers  Most move to towns and cities looking for work


10 Results  1. Better diet = increased population = more demand for manufactured goods  2.More efficient farming = fewer farm labourers = increased unemployment = urbanization and large available workforce


12 Textile Industry  1500s and 1600s – “domestic industry” developed  Entrepreneurs supply rural residents with raw wool and cotton  In their cottages families clean and spin the wool  Use hand looms to make cloth  Not able to keep up with increased demand = innovation and invention begins

13 Cottage Industry

14 Mechanical inventions  1733 – John Kay – Flying Shuttle replaces hand shuttle in looms  could now weave faster than they could spin

15 Mechanical inventions  1764 – James Hargreaves – “Spinning Jenny” – multiple threads spun at once

16 Mechanical inventions  1769 – Richard Arkwright – Water Frame – develops machine that could hold 100 spindles BUT too heavy to operate by hand (use of water power)

17  1779 – Spinning Jenny combined with water frame – more thread than weaving  1785 – Water Loom – weaving 200X faster

18  1779 – Spinning Jenny combined with water frame – more thread than weaving  1785 – Water Loom – weaving 200X faster  1791 – Eli Whitney – Cotton Gin  Mechanically tore seeds from cotton plant  Made cotton cheaper to produce  1830s – Britain importing 280 million pounds (127 million Kg) and the largest textile manufacturer in the world

19 Factory System  Machines expensive and had to be beside moving water (water wheels)  Mills often hired hundreds of workers to run new machines  Factory system gradually replaces domestic system  Brought workers and machines to one place to manufacture goods (more efficient)  First time everyone had set number of hours of work and a set daily or weekly wage

20 Steam Engine  Idea had been around since 1698 but unreliable and downright dangerous  1760s – James Watt – develops improved version of Newcomen Engine (4X more power from same amount of coal  *Portable – no need for rivers* and used in textile industry but demand for coal increases

21 Steam Engine - Newcomen


23 Steam Engine - James Watt

24 Iron and Coal Industries  Steam engines need a lot of coal and iron – Britain had lots  Shift from charcoal (partially burned hardwoods) to coke (coal with gasses burned off) to make iron  1780s – a puddling process improved iron quality (less cracking under pressure)  method of rolling molten iron into sheets developed  1788-1806 – Iron production 4X in Britain because of increased demand for coal and iron for steam engines

25 Why Britain Led  Agricultural Revolution = more food = more free workers  Plentiful coal and iron resources  Developed excellent transportation system


27  Leading commercial power in Europe  Centre of world trade after defeating the Spanish Armada in 1588 (esp. sugar, tea and slaves)  Had the $ to develop new industries  Large colonial empire to supply raw materials (NZ – sheep) and buy finished goods in return

28  British government encouraged trade by lifting restrictions, building roads and canals, and having a strong navy to protect merchant ships and colonial interests  Stable intellectual and social climate promoted industrialization through a class society that was open to social ascendance by financial gain

29 Rise of Modern Industry (Stage II)

30  Industry spread quickly in the second half of the 19 th century to Belgium, France, Japan (after the Meji Restoration) and Germany (after 1870)  Also spread to USA who would surpass Britain by 1880  Southern and Eastern Europe still largely agricultural and did little to encourage industrial development

31 Advances in science and technology  Artificial dyes developed - cheaper than natural ones, chemical fertilizers – rapidly increased food production  Alessandro Volta (1800) created one of the first electric batteries  Electric generators developed and would eventually replace steam

32  1866 – 1 st Transatlantic Telegraph cable laid  1876 – Alexander Graham Bell – invents the telephone  1900 – Marconi – develops the radio  Edison – Light bulb, phonograph, electric generator, etc...

33 Advances in Transportation  Internal combustion engine  Could be started and stopped more easily than steam  1886 – Daimler (German) develops first small gasoline engine for vehicles  Rudolf Diesel (German) develops large internal combustion engine for trucks, ships and locomotives  Resulted in a boom for petroleum, steel, and rubber industries

34  Airplanes  @ Kittyhawk with the Wright Brothers  Germans believed now to have been first in the air

35 New Methods of Production  Eli Whitney – came up with interchangeable parts  Had a gun factory – all hand made  Made parts easily interchangeable and repair speed up

36  Henry Ford – assembly line (1914)  Work broken into small tasks  Cost went down as a result = more people could buy cars = boom in related industries

37 Financing Industrial Growth  Corporation – business owned by many investors who have bought shares in the company  Became the dominant form of ownership due to cost to set up a business  Investors had limited liability – could only lose what they put in

38  Many corporations bought up smaller companies and attempted to create monopolies (CWB) or related industries (Standard Oil) – vertical integration  Banks esp. prominent in financing corporations  Nations become interdependent because of trade of manufactured goods and resources, as well as investing in each other’s economies (Canada and USA)

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