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BIOLOGY TEST REVIEW ANSWERS. Multiple Choice 1. Multiple Choice 2. LithosphereHydrosphereAtmosphere -the rocky outer shell of the Earth - mountains,

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2 Multiple Choice 1.

3 Multiple Choice 2. LithosphereHydrosphereAtmosphere -the rocky outer shell of the Earth - mountains, ocean floor, rocks -The water in, on and above the Earth’s surface -Ground water, oceans, rivers, clouds -the thin layer of gases that surrounds the earth - Water vapour, oxygen, carbon dioxide

4 Multiple Choice 3. Pesticides and fertilizers Plastic packaging Acid Precipitation Automobile exhaust 4. Producers

5 Multiple Choice 5. Quaternary Consumer (eats Tertiary Consumer) Tertiary Consumer (eats Secondary Consumer) Secondary Consumer (eats Primary Consumer) Primary Consumer (eats Producer) Producer (makes own food)

6 Multiple Choice 6. Herbivore- plants/vegetation Carnivore- animals- meat Omnivore- plants and animals Decomposers- dead plants and animals

7 Matching Organism- Is a living thing Species- Is a group of similar organism that are capable of breeding with one another and producing offspring Population- A group of individuals of the same species

8 Matching Community- Is composed of all the different populations of species that share a particular area. Food Web- shows how all the species in a community or ecosystem are related in the search for food.

9 Matching Food Chain- sequence through which energy transfers from organism to organism. Ecosystem- all the living organisms in an area and their non-living environment Biome

10 Matching Biodiversity- the variety of living things found in ecosystems and in the world in general. Sustainability- ecosystem’s ability to support life and maintain resources for future generations. Biotic-living things, their remains, and the features, such as nests, associated with their activities Abiotic- the non-living characteristics of an ecosystem

11 Classify Biotic Moose Rose Turtle Rotting Tree Dead Raccoon Beaver Den Abiotic Clouds Mountain Rain Dirt

12 Short Answer A. shrubs- insect- frog- snake shrubs- insect-hawk grass- deer- wolf grass- mouse- snake B. Light, Carbon Dioxide, Water

13 Short Answer C.Bacteria in soil, Lightning, Fertilizer D. Ecosystem Diversity, Species Diversity, Genetic Diversity E. A non-native species that has a negative impact on the natural environment - carp, emerald ash borer, round goby, zebra mussels

14 Short Answer F.Chemical- pesticides Mechanical-carp barrier Biological- “cane toad”

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