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Final Review Day 3. Photosynthesis Start with an energy, gas and water Sun + CO 2 + H 2 O End with an energy, gas and water Glucose + O 2 + H 2 O.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Review Day 3. Photosynthesis Start with an energy, gas and water Sun + CO 2 + H 2 O End with an energy, gas and water Glucose + O 2 + H 2 O."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Review Day 3

2 Photosynthesis Start with an energy, gas and water Sun + CO 2 + H 2 O End with an energy, gas and water Glucose + O 2 + H 2 O


4 In what cell part does photosynthesis occur? chloroplast

5 What species would perform photosynthesis? Plants, also called Autotrophs, also called producers

6 Respiration Start with an energy, gas and water Glucose + O 2 + H 2 O End with an energy, gas and water ATP + CO 2 + H 2 O

7 Respiration What cell part is the mouse using to get energy? Mitochondria What species? EVERYTHING! (almost) Gas used by plants to make glu? CO 2 Gas excreted to burn sugar? CO 2

8 Give the formula Sugar C 6 H 12 O 6 Water H 2 O Oxygen O 2 Carbon dioxide CO 2

9 Why a food web, not a food chain? Web shows more interactions

10 Producer Can do photosynthesis Ex: tree, grass

11 Can these non-green plants do photosynthesis?

12 1° Consumer Eats producer Deer, rabbit, mice, insect

13 2° consumer Eats 1° consumer Lion, snake, frog

14 Make a 4 level energy pyramid using the critters on your paper Amt of E at each level?

15 Source of energy for food web? sun

16 define Autotroph Can do photosynthesis Heterotroph Eats for energy

17 define Herbivore Eats plants Omnivore Eats both Carnivore Eats meat Biotic Alive (has DNA) Abiotic Non-living …ex. (rock, temp, water, sun)

18 Decomposer Breaks down dead materials to be used by plants

19 Put in order from smallest to biggest Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism

20 Population Community Ecosystem Biome Biosphere

21 Finish puzzle for hw CPS review

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