PHYSIOLOGY TUTORIAL - II REPRODUCTION Dr. Amel Eassawi Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh 1.

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1 PHYSIOLOGY TUTORIAL - II REPRODUCTION Dr. Amel Eassawi Dr. Zahoor Ali Shaikh 1

2 PUBERTY 1.Define puberty? 2. Discuss the two mechanisms that influence the onset of puberty? 3. Discuss the two mechanisms that influence the onset of puberty? 4. Which hormones will increase at time of puberty?

3 PUBERTY 5. What are the mechanism underlying the pulsatile GnRH secretion? 6. What are the changes at puberty in females? 7. What is the characteristic of Puberty in Females? 8. Enlist the secondary sexual characteristic in females?

4 PUBERTY 9. What is the characteristic of Puberty in males? 10. Enlist the secondary sexual characteristic in males? 11. What is the factors Influencing the Time of Puberty?

5 MENOPAUSE 1. Define menopause? 2. What is climacteric or perimenopause period? 3. What is the characteristic of menopause?

6 ANDROPAUSE 1. What is the characteristic of andropause?

7 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 1.What is the site of fertilization? 2.Where implantation of blastocyst occurs in the uterus? 3.When implantation of blastocyst occurs in the uterus? 4.What is placenta? 5.What are the functions of placenta? 7

8 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 6.What is placental barrier? What is its function? 7.What are the hormones secreted by placenta? 8.When placenta get fully operational? 9. What are the stages of labor? 8

9 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 10.What initiates the labor? 11.What is breech presentation? 12.Does the breech presentation causes effective dilatation of cervix? 13.How long each stage of labor lasts in primigravida female? 10.Ist stage 11.Second stage 12.Third stage 14.What is the role of oxytocin in labor? 15.How much time is required for involution of uterus? 9

10 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 16.Why lactation start after pregnancy and not during pregnancy? 17.How suckling reflex occurs? 18.Name the hormone responsible for milk production? 10

11 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 11 19. Name the hormone responsible for milk let down? 20. Is there menstrual cycle during lactation period? 21. If NO, Why?

12 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 22.How long the baby should be given breast milk? 23.What are the advantages of breast milk to the baby & the mother? 24.What is the composition of mother’s milk? 25.What is the mechanism of breast milk production? 12

13 PREGNANCY & LACTATION 26. Detection of which hormone in the urine will make positive pregnancy test? 13

14 SEXUAL ACT & CONTRACEPTION 1.What is the mechanism of male organ erection? 2.What is impotence? What are its causes? 3.What is the mechanism of action of Viagra in male? 4.What are the physiological phases of sexual act in male & female? 14

15 SEXUAL ACT & CONTRACEPTION 5.What is the composition of semen? 6.What is normal sperm count per ml of semen? 7.When is male said to be clinically infertile? 8.What is the importance of quality and sperm count of semen? 9.What are the causes of infertility in male & female? 15

16 SEXUAL ACT & CONTRACEPTION 10.What is invitro fertilization? 11.What is invivo fertilization? 12.What are the methods of contraception? 13.What is mechanism of action of progesterone as a contraceptive? 14.What are the side effects of contraceptive pills? 15.Spermatogenesis takes place in seminiferous tubule. Which two hormone control it? 16

17 Questions to research Why sperm count is 1million /ml. and only one sperm is required for fertilization of ovum. At puberty there are 300,000 ova in the ovaries and only 400 – 500 ova ovulate during the reproductive life of female? What happens to the remaining ? Why mother does not reject the fertilized ovum which has half number of chromosomes from father? 17

18 FIRST IVF BORN Louise Joy Brown Born (1978-07-25) 25 July 1978 (age 34) Oldham General Hospital, Oldham, England Oldham General HospitalOldham England Known forFirst in-vitro baby Weight5 lb 12 oz (2.608 kg) at birth Spouse(s)Wesley Mullinder (2004–present) Children1 son (born 20 December 2006) Family Lesley and John Brown (parents) Natalie Brown (sister) 18

19 IVF PIONEER The team who pioneered in-vitro fertilization. On the left Cambridge, physiologist Dr. Robert Edwards holding the world's first test tube baby, Louise Joy Brown and (on the right) gynecologist Mr. Patrick Steptoe. (July 25, 1978) British physiologist Robert Edwards, who developed test tube fertilization, has received the 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine. 19


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